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approximation). The colder is the plasma, the weaker is spatial dispersion.
For example, at low temperatures the terms with pressure can be omitted in
(1.44)-(1.46). Then, the electron and ion velocities, the current density j (1.31)
and the induction D (1.47), depend only on the electric field E at the point r .
Let us apply the Fourier transform to (1.52)-(1.53). Suppose that
E ( r )= E ( r ,t )exp( iωt ) dt
and, similarly, for D ( r ,t )and j ( r ,t ) . The same notation E is used for Fourier
transforms E ( r ) and images E ( r ,t ) . This does not lead to misunderstand-
ing because the arguments are given explicitly, the same for other variables.
Then, (1.52), (1.53) and (1.47) become
D ( r )= ε ( r ) E ( r ) ,
j ( r )= σ ( r ) E ( r ) ,
ε ( r )=1+ i 4 π
ω σ ( r ) ,
dt e iωt ε ( r ,t ) ,
dt e iωt σ ( r ,t ) .
ε ( r )=
σ ( r )=
ε ( r ) is called the tensor of complex dielectric permeability. It can be present
as a sum of Hermitian and anti-Hermitian parts
ε ( r )= ε ( r )+ i 4 π
ω σ ( r ) ,
where ε ( r )and σ ( r ) are Hermitian ones. σ ( r ) is the tensor of com-
plex conductivity. It can be also presented as a sum of Hermitian and anti-
Hermitian parts
i ω
σ ( r )= σ ( r )
4 π ε ( r ) .
Specific expressions for ε ( r )and σ ( r ) for the cold three-component
plasma containing electrons, ions and neutrals are obtained in the next section.
1.4 Dielectric Permeability and Conductivity
Drag of the Neutral Gas with Ions
ε ( r, ω )and σ ( r, ω ) can be found from (1.44)-(1.46). From (1.46) for the mole-
cule velocity we have
v n = a v e + b v i
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