Geoscience Reference
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latitude [deg]
Fig. 11.4. Latitudinal dependency of the FLR-period
where δ i is the half-width of the FLR-region in the ionosphere, h is the E -
layer height, x is the distance along the meridian, x r ( f ) is the location of the
FLR. Coecient C 1 is defined by the curvature of the FLR-line. It vanishes in
the 'box' model with a straight field (see Chapter 6). Such a model provides
reasonable accuracy with experimental data at x r
500 km.
Let a half-width of an FLR-area on the ionospheric level be δ i =20km.
Then a characteristic spatial scale of the resonance structure on the ground
is about 100-200 km. It is evident that there are geoelectrical cross-sections
for which the effective skin depth d g in the Pc 3 , 4 range and a horizontal field
scale are comparable. Therefore phase and amplitude features of the initial
waves noticeably influence the results of the magnetotelluric soundings of such
geological profiles.
Let Φ, Λ be the geomagnetic coordinates of an observation point. Assume
that the observed field at some frequency f results from FLR-oscillations of
the corresponding FLR-shell located at distance
from the observer. Here Φ r ( f ) is the latitude of the FLR-shell with resonance
frequency f r = f (see Fig.11.4). Latitude-dependence of FLR-frequency is
shown in Fig.11.4. The ground model is a four-layered geoelectrical cross-
section with ρ 1 = 30 Ohm
x r ( f ) = 6370
( Φ r ( f )
Φ )
10 3 Ohm
m ,h 1 =3km; ρ 2 =3
m ,h 2 =
10 2 Ohm
50 km; ρ 3 =3
m, h 3 = 50 km and lower half-space with ρ 4 =0 .
Ionospheric conductivities are Σ P = 13 Ohm 1 H =14 1 Ohm 1 .
The height of the 'thin' ionosphere is h = 105 km. The calculations are
carried out for wavenumber k y =0 . Period T = 100 s is the FLR for the
geomagnetic latitude Φ =60 . The dip is I =74 . There were computed
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