Geoscience Reference
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Im k
Imκ g =0
κ S =0
k 3 =− k 0 ε g 1/2
k 2 =− k 0 ε m 1/2
k 1 =− k 0 ε m 1/2
Re k
k 4 =− k 0 ε g 1/2
Imκ s =0
κ g =0
Fig. 7.3. Lo ca tion of cuts Im κ g =Im κ s = 0 and branch points k 1 , 2 = ±k 0 ε m ,
k 3 , 4 = ±k 0 ε g on the complex plane of wave numbers k
In the case of the finite conductivity layer underlain by a perfect conductor,
only two sheets remain:
the physical sheet: Im κ s > 0and
the non-physical sheet: Im κ s < 0.
Apart from branch points, the poles of R and T can appear on the
complex plane, and their location is determined by the roots of ( k ) (7.101):
( k )=0 .
The Role of a Magnetic Inclination
Before proceeding to the investigation of R ( k )and T ( k ) in various wavenum-
ber ranges, note that the character of the reflection of MHD-waves does not
Table 7.2. Numeration of the sheets of the Riemann surface
Physical sheet
Non-physical sheets
1. Im κ g > 0andIm κ s > 0
2. Im κ s < 0, Im κ g > 0
3. Im κ s < 0, Im κ g < 0
4. Im κ s > 0, Im κ g < 0
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