Geoscience Reference
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Consider a magnetic shell crossing the magnetic equator at a geocentric
distance LR E ( R E is the Earth's radius). The origin of the rectangular coor-
dinate system is taken at the top of a field-line lying on the selected L -shell.
Let x -axis be directed along the equatorial radius, y is azimuthal, z is di-
rected along the field-line. Consider the wave disturbances with an azimuthal
wavenumber m . Then near the equatorial plane, the wavenumber is
k y
m/LR E .
L 3 , and let the plasma density ρ 0
The main geomagnetic field B 0
L −ν , then the Alfven velocity c A
L 3+ ν/ 2 . The field-line length is l z
πLR E in a quasi-dipolar field and the wavenumber is k A
π/l z
1 /LR E .
L 4+ ν/ 2
Then the frequency of the fundamental harmonic ω A 1
and its
radial derivative ω A 1 ∝−
ν/ 2) L 5+ ν/ 2 . We denote their ratio by
ω A 1
ω A 1
Λ 1 =
ν/ 2 .
Substituting Λ 1 and k y into p (5.39), we have
m 2
p = m 2 Λ 1 = m 2 LR E
ν/ 2 ,
A =
ν/ 2 .
The half-width δ 1 is
γ 1
ω A 1 Λ 1 ,
δ 1 =
where γ 1 A 1 is determined in (5.23).
Near the ionosphere (let it be the northern ionosphere for definiteness)
relations (5.39) with the boundary condition (5.10) are given by
b 0 1+ x 2
ln x ,
b 0 pk A
ib 0 pk A Σ P ln x,
Σ P ,
b x
b y ≈−
4 π
b y
Σ P ,
4 π
b x
Σ P ,
E x
E y ≈−
with Σ P = Σ P A .
The two upper frames of Fig. 5.4 show the distributions of amplitudes
(left) and phases (right) of b x and b y components near the resonance shell cal-
culated according to the approximate relations (5.40). b y is normalized by the
condition b y ( x 1 ) = 1 at the resonance point x = x 1 . The chosen parameters
roughly correspond to the magnetospheric conditions for a middle-latitude
magnetic shell. Two bottom frames of Fig. 5.4 are results of numerical inte-
gration of (5.29)-(5.30) showing the field distribution produced by a mono-
chromatic source located at the magnetospheric boundary. At x =0,the
electric field E y ( x = 0) = 0. We take E y at x = l x such as to satisfy the
condition b y ( x = x 1 ) = 1 at the resonance point.
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