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Multiplying each equation of this system by Q n ( x ) and integrating the ob-
tained equalities over z from0to l z , we obtain equations for mode amplitudes
a n ,b n ,and c n . In the 1D-box model ( c A = c A ( x )) oscillations of field-lines
do not interact with one another, and the bi-orthogonality condition (5.11) is
fulfilled. Then the infinite system of coupled equations is split into uncoupled
finite-dimensional equations of the form
j ( d )
k A ( x )
k n a n ( x )= ik y b n ( x )
4 π
B 0 ,
j ( d )
b n ( x )= k A ( x )
k n c n ( x )
4 π
B 0 ,
c n ( x )=
ik y a n ( x )
b n ( x ) ,
j ( d )
j ( d n ,Q n ( z )
Consider the one-mode propagation. We have from (5.26)
ik y b n ( x )
j ( d )
k A ( x )
4 π
B 0
a n ( x )=
k n
Substituting it into (5.27) and (5.28) yields
j ( d )
b n ( x )= k A ( x )
k n c n ( x )
4 π
B 0 ,
c n ( x )=
b n ( x )+ ik y 4 π
j ( d )
k y
k A ( x )
k A ( x )
B 0 .
k n
k n
These equations differ from (4.43)-(4.45) only in k being replaced by k n
and in the explicit account taken of the field sources. Therefore, many results
obtained for unbounded plasma in Chapter 4 can be transferred to the box
model by simply replacing the continuously changing wavenumber k by the
quantized wavenumber k n . The coordinate x n of a resonance field-lines of the
n -th harmonics is found from
k A ( x )=
k n .
In the non-dissipative case, the wavenumber k n = nπ/l z is real and (5.31)
canhavearealroot x n corresponding to the resonant point. The point is a
regular singularity of (5.29)-(5.30).
If dissipation is not negligible, then
k n =
l z
+ n
is a complex value. In our simple model k n is independent of the x -coordinate.
With dissipation taken into account, (5.31) cannot be satisfied at real x and
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