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1+ k y
x 1 )] .
b B 0
x 1 ) 2
b 0
B 0
( x
ln [ k y ( x
Then plasma displacements are given by
k y
k A ( x 1 )
b 0
B 0
b 0
B 0
ik y
k A ( x 1 )
ξ x
ln [ k y ( x
x 1 )] ,
x 1 .
Contrary to the longitudinal magnetic component which is finite when
approaching the resonance field-line, transversal displacements, electric and
magnetic components tend to infinity.
Let us include a small dissipation in order to determine the rules for by-
passing the singular point and for estimating energy losses at it. Consider, for
instance, plasma with small but finite transverse conductivity σ . The Alfven
wavenumber in a lossless plasma is
k A ( x )= ω 2
c 2 A ( x ) .
Take into account transverse conductivity replacing k A ( x )by
k A + 2 ,
κ 2 = ω 4 πσ
c 2
FLR-condition (4.56) can be rewritten
k A ( x )+ 2 = k 2
Condition (4.63) cannot be satisfied with real ω , k and x .If ω and k are
real variables, then (4.63) has no solution under real x and it is necessary
to extend the function k A ( x ) from the real axis x onto the complex plane
w = x + iv. Thus, there should exist a complex function k A ( w ) such that
k A ( w
k A ( x ) .
Substitute w 1 = x 1 + into (4.63), assuming κ 2 and δ small. Expanding
k A ( x 1 + ) in a power series of δ and leaving only terms of the first order, we
x )
x = x 1
dk A ( x )
k A ( x 1 + )
k A ( x 1 )+ i
and from (4.63) find
κ 2
dk A ( x )
κ 2 c 4 A ( x 1 )
ω 2 dc 2 A ( x )
x = x 1
x = x 1
Replacing x 1 by x 1 + in (4.60a) - (4.60c) and (4.61) - (4.62), we obtain
expressions for plasma displacements and magnetic field near the resonance
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