Geoscience Reference
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in space and laboratory plasmas cannot be studied in the ray approxima-
tion. Full-wave equations must be used in order to comprehend these effects.
We shall concentrate on the analysis of the full-wave equation mainly on
one-dimensional problems, where suciently simple and obvious results can
be obtained by using elementary mathematical methods. In Chapter 5 a 2D
problem will be considered, in the elementary case of straight field-lines.
The z -axis of the Cartesian coordinate system
x, y, z
is chosen along
the external magnetic field B 0 = B 0 z . At β
1and B 0 ( x, y ) = const, the
equations (4.22), (4.23) for an inhomogeneous low-pressure plasma become
L ξ
) ,
∂z c s ·
) .
ρ 0 c s
L s ξ
( ρ 0 ξ
Solutions of (4.42a) for an inhomogeneous plasma are coupling Alfven and
FMS-waves, and (4.42b) are ion sound waves. Just as in the homogeneous case,
transversal compression of plasma in FMS-wave results in a small longitudinal
displacement ξ which is found as a forced solution to inhomogeneous equation
(4.42b). Since β
1, the ion sound wave propagation velocity is much less
than Alfven velocity, and from (4.42b) it follows that ξ
The longitudinal displacement ξ in Alfven and FMS-waves vanishes.
1D Case
Let Alfven velocity depends only on x -coordinate:
c A = c A ( x ) .
Consider unbounded plasma. Turn to the Fourier presentation both in time t
and in the
y, z
coordinates. Fourier harmonics of transverse displacement is
ξ ( x )exp(
iωt + ik y y + ik || z )
and longitudinal perturbation of the magnetic field is
b ( x )exp(
iωt + ik y y + ik || z ) .
Equation (4.42a) becomes
= B 0 k A ( x )
ξ x ,
db ||
k 2
b ( x )
B 0
x ( x )
ik y ξ y ( x )
k A ( x )
ξ y ( x )= ik y
b ( x )
B 0
k 2
where k A ( x )= ω 2 /c 2 A .
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