Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 19.4 Morphological body length abnormalities caused by doses of fullerenes C3 (1), C3-tris,
2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 11, and 12. For comparison, the corresponding free G2 dendron was investigated
(e, panel M).
breakdown products on cardiac conduction in zebrafish, since previous work had
shown that native fullerenes can dramatically effect cardiac conduction by binding
to the ZERG potassium channel in fish (analogous to the HERG potassium channel
in humans). Wewere unable to measure the ECG directly in fish and therefore chose
as a surrogate induction of bradycardia by various water-soluble fullerenes,
including C3 (1), 3, and C3-tris. Figure 19.6 indicates that C3-tris induces
bradycardia at very low doses of 1
M or less. In contrast, no significant brady-
cardia is observed at 3 or C3 concentrations of 100
M. The extent of bradycardia
and associated cardiac abnormalities is probably sufficient to account for the
increased toxicity of C3 decarboxylation products in the LC 50 assay. Figure 19.6
also indicates that cardiac injury is not characteristic of water-soluble fullerenes
in general.
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