Biomedical Engineering Reference
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18.2.2 Embryo Handling
Phylonix AB zebrafish were generated by natural pairwise mating in our aquaculture
facility, as described byWesterfield (1993). Four to five pairs were set up for eachmating;
on average, 50-100 embryos per mating were generated. Embryos were maintained
in embryo water (5 g of Instant Ocean Salt with 3 g of CaSO 4 in 25 L distilled water) at
28 C for approximately 24 h before sorting for viability. Because embryos receive
nourishment from an attached yolk ball, no additional maintenance was required.
18.2.3 Generation of MD Zebrafish Using
Dystroglycan-Specific siRNAs
Four smartpool siRNAs specific for zebrafish dystroglycan gene (NM_173274)
were designed and synthesized by Dharmacon RNA Technologies/Thermo
Fisher Scientific (Lafayette, CO). Target sequences were siRNA1 (SMP-1),
GGAGATGCGCGTACGGTCA. A proprietary siRNA comprised of a nonreacting
coding sequence (AS siRNA) (Dharmacon RNA Technologies/Thermo Fisher
Scientific) was used as control. siRNA1 was directly labeled with DY547 at the 5 0
sense end. The 5 0 antisense end of each siRNAwas modified with a phosphate group.
18.2.4 Microinjection of siRNAs
To reduce variation between batches, randomized embryo samples from three or four
independent pairwisematings were used. Fertilized eggs (
1000) were microinjected
at the one-cell stage (Meng andWolf, 1997). 0.5 nL volume was delivered using an air
pressure-controlled microinjector (WPI, Sarasota, FL). Injected zebrafish were
cultured and grown as described by Westerfield (1993).
18.2.5 Zebrafish Dechorionation
Embryos hatch from a chorion at
2.5dpf stage. In order to assess zebrafish earlier
than the 2.5dpf stage, we dechorionated zebrafish. Briefly, embryos were placed on an
agar gel-coated Petri dish and treated with pronase (1mg/mL) for 3 min, followed by
extensive washing with fish water to remove residual pronase. Treated embryos
were then placed in a 28 C incubator for
30 min and removed from chorions by
gentle shaking.
18.2.6 TaqMan Quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) Analysis
Total RNA was isolated from (a) uninjected control, (b) knockdown control (AS
siRNA injected), and (c) MD zebrafish (SMP siRNA injected) at 4, 6, and 20 h post
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