Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Figure 11.1 Effects of carrier and positive control compounds on zebrafish organs. Untreated (fish
water), and carrier- and positive control-treated 2 or 4dpf zebrafish after 24 h exposure at 8magnification.
(Left panels, Heart and CNS) 0.4% DMSO did not affect zebrafish organs. Three % ethanol caused CNS
discoloration (white star) and trunk edema (red arrow). 7.5 mMbrefeldinA caused CNS tissue discoloration
(white star). Thirty mm Celebrex caused pericardial edema (black arrow). Scale bar ¼0.5mm. (Right
panels, Liver and kidney) 0.4% DMSO did not affect zebrafish organs. Three % ethanol caused CNS
discoloration (white star), trunk edema (red arrow), and liver discoloration (yellow outline). Ten mm
brefeldin A caused CNS discoloration (white star) and liver malformation and discoloration (yellow
outline). Scale bar ¼0.5mm. (See the color version of this figure in Color Plates section.)
orange and results are shown in Fig. 11.3. After treatment with 17-DMAG, cell death
was observed in heart, CNS, and liver. After treatment with HDAC inhibitor X, cell
death was observed in CNS and liver. After treatment with paclitaxel, cell death was
and liver.
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