Cryptography Reference
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[1] Leonard M. Adleman and Jonathan Demarrais. A subexponential algorithm for discrete logarithms over all
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[3] J. A. Davis and D. B. Holdridge. Factorization using the quadratic sieve algorithm. In Advances in Crypto-
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[6] Donald E. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming: Seminumerical Algorithms, Vol. 2, 3rd ed. (Addison
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[7] H. W. Lenstra, Jr. Factoring integers with elliptic curves. The Annals of Mathematics, 2nd Ser. 126(3):
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[8] Arien K. Lenstra and Henrik W. Lenstra, Jr., eds. The Development of the Number Field Sieve, Vol. 554 of
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[10] Michael A. Morrison and John Brillhart. A method of factoring and the factorization of f 7 . Mathematics of
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[15] Samuel S. Wagstaff. Cryptanalysis for Number Theoretic Ciphers. (Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton,
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1 As my friend Raquel Phillips pointed out, “logarithm” and “algorithm” are anagrams!
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