Cryptography Reference
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First, let's learn some new notation. If we wish to convey “x rounded down to the nearest integer,” we can
succinctly denote this using the floor function x . This means that 5.5 = 5, -1.1 = -2 and 3 = 3, for
example. I have avoided using this notation before, but it will be necessary in the following sections.
One more quick definition. A continued fraction is a fraction that has an infinite representation. For ex-
Furthermore, a continued fraction for any number (say, c) can be constructed noting that c = c + c - c ,
We stop whenever c i = C i . If not, we continue computing
. After a few steps, c looks like
Furthermore, with a continued fraction form like the above (written compactly as [ c 0 , c 1 , ... , c k ]), we can find
A k / B k , the rational number it represents, by the following method:
1. Let A -1 = 0, B -1 = 1, A 0 = c 0 , B 0 = 1.
2. For each i , compute A i = c i A i -1 + A i -2 and B i = c i B i -1 + B i -2.
The above algorithm will eventually terminate if the number being represented is irrational. Otherwise, it
continues forever.
Using this method, we can now compute quadratic residues, Q i — remainders when subtracting a squared
number. The quadratic residues we are interested in are from
representing the square of
the difference between the form A i / B i and n . Taking this formula modulo n , we get
We will use the quadratic residues to derive a continued fraction sequence for
where a is the number we
wish to factor.
We need an upper-bound on factors we will consider, B . The algorithm for exploiting this works by factoring
each Q i as we calculate it, and if it is B -smooth (contains no prime factors less than B ), we record it with the
corresponding A i . After we have collected a large number of these pairs, we look at the exponents of the factors
of each Q i (modulo 2) and find equivalences between them. These will represent a system of equations of the
x 2 y 2 (mod n )
When x is not equal to y , we use the same principle of Fermat's difference of squares to factor n.
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