Cryptography Reference
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2. Calculate t = ϕ ( n ) = ( p - 1)( q - 1), which is the Euler totient of n.
3. Let e be a positive integer, greater than 1 and less than t , that is relative prime to t. Mathematically, e
,1 < e < t, gcd(e, t) = 1. One way to do this, for example, is to make e also be prime.
4. Calculate d = e -1 in t, that is, such that ed = 1 (mod t).
Now, these numbers we have calculated, e and d, have an interesting property. Assume we have a message,
M, represented as an integer less than n . Here we derive that
M ed M de M t + 1 M 1 M (mod n )
Why does this work? It's just using Euler's totient theorem (specifically, the last corollary). Here, t is the
totient of n , and we know that ed ≡ 1 (mod t ) from the construction of e and d. The last corollary from Euler's
theorem lets us state that
M de M 1 (mod n )
The significance is that if we represent our message as an integer, then we can use e as an encryption expo-
nent, and d as a decrypting exponent, and have ciphertext
C M e (mod n)
We will then be able to calculate back the plaintext
M C d M ed (mod n)
The real slickness comes in the fact that we can have anybody know e and n , so that they can encrypt mes-
sages, but it is extremely difficult to compute d knowing these two numbers without being able to factor n . Most
proposed methods of breaking this algorithm simply involve factoring n to obtain p and q, so that the totient can
be calculated.
We now use the pair ( e, n ) as the public key and the pair ( d, n ) as a private key.
Let's do a quick example of some cryptography using RSA. Let's say p = 11 and q = 17, two prime numbers.
product would be very easy. For this case, we can see that n = 11 × 17 = 187, and t = ϕ (187) = 10 × 16 = 160.
Let's pick e to be a nice prime number, say, 3.
Now, we can calculate d = 3 -1 using the extended Euclidean algorithm from before, getting the result d =
Let'sencrypt ourmessage. Here,consider ourmessage tobeencoded asthenumber15(forexample, itcould
be the 15th letter of the Latin alphabet, O). It should be easy to see that 15 3 = 3, 375 ≡ 9 (mod 187), so that our
encrypted number is C = 9. Going the other way is a bit trickier. We don't really want to multiply 9 by itself 107
times. It turns out there is a shortcut, using the binary representation of 107, that is to say, representing 107 as
the sum of powers of 2. In binary, 107 is 1101011, meaning 107 = 2 6 + 2 5 + 2 3 + 2 1 + 2 0 = 64 + 32 + 8 + 2 + 1.
We can then write
9 107 ≡ 9 64 + 32 + 8 + 2 + 1 (mod 187)
It's easy to see that 9 1 = 9, thus we have
9 107 ≡ 9 64+32+8+2 × 9 (mod 187)
From the last equation, we know that 9 1 ≡ 9 (mod 187), so then 9 2 ≡ (9 1 ) × (9 1 ) ≡ 9 × 9 ≡ 81 (mod 187), and we
9 107 ≡ 9 64+32+8 × 81 × 9 (mod 187)
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