Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
For the following, assume that we have an S-box whose input is X and output is Y . If we have two particular
inputs, X 1 and X 2 , let
Here, Ω, X is the differential for the two plaintexts. Similarly, for the two corresponding outputs of the above
plaintexts, Y 1 and Y 2 , respectively, let
To construct the differential relation, we consider all possible values of Ω X , and we want to measure how this
affects Ω Y . So, for each possible value of X 1 and Ω X (and, therefore, X 2 ), we measure Y 1 and Y 2 to obtain Ω Y and
record this value in a table. Table 7-1 shows some the results of performing this analysis on the EASY1 cipher,
with each entry being the number of times Ω X gave rise to Ω Y . (The entry in Table 7-1 corresponding to 0 0 is
the hexadecimal value 40, meaning that it is always true. This is because no difference in the input will always,
of course, give no difference in the output.)
Table 7-1 Top-Left Portion of the EASY1 Table of Characteristic Probabilities
Note that this is only a sample of the complete table.
However, more often it is useful to collect characteristics with the highest probabilities in a list format. By
searching through the complete table of the differential analysis of the EASY1 cipher's S-box, we would note
that the two largest entries are 6 and 8, representing probabilities of 6/64 and 8/64, respectively. Tables 7-2 and
7-3 give listings of all of the characteristics with these probabilities.
Table 7-2 S-Box Characteristics of EASY1 with a Probability of 6/64
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