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2.15.2 Computing the order of a group element
We can now return to the original problem of computing the order of an element in a finite
= i = 1 l e i i is known.
Then one can determine the order of g in O (log( q ) log log( q )) multiplications in
∈ F q and assume that the factorisationq
Theorem 2.15.10 Let g
F q .
g ( q 1) /l e i . Since m
Proof The idea is to use Algorithm 4 to compute all h i =
O (log( q ))
F q . One can then compute all h l
this requires O (log( q )loglog( q )) multiplications in
f<e i and, since i = 1 l e i
1 this requires a further O (log( q )) multiplications.
The complexity in Theorem 2.15.10 cannot be improved to O (log( q ) log log( q ) /
log(log(log( q )))) using the result of equation ( 2.6 ) because the value m is not always
(log( q )).
2.15.3 Computing primitive roots
F q is a cyclic group and that a primitive root in
F q is an element of order q
Recall that
We assume in this section that the factorisation of q
1 is known.
One algorithm to generate primitive roots is to choose g
∈ F q uniformly at random and
to compute the order of g using the method of Theorem 2.15.10 until an element of order
∈ F q is a primitive root is ϕ ( q
Using Theorem A.3.1 , this probability is at least 1 / (6 log(log( q ))). Hence, this gives an
algorithm that requires O (log( q )(log(log( q ))) 2 ) field multiplications in
1 is found. The probability that a random g
1) / ( q
F q .
We now present a better algorithm for this problem, which works by considering the
prime powers dividing q
1 individually. See Exercise 11.2 of Section 11.1 of [ 497 ]for
further details.
Theorem 2.15.11 Algorithm 5 outputs a primitive root. The complexity of the algorithm is
O (log( q ) log log( q )) multiplications in
F q .
Proof The values g i are elements of order dividing l e i .If g l e i 1
1 then g i has order exactly
l e i . On completion of the while loop the value t is the product of m elements of maximal
coprime orders l e i . Hence, t is a primitive root.
Each iteration of the while loop requires O (log( q )loglog( q )) multiplications in
F q .It
remains to bound the number of iterations of the loop. First, note that, by the Chinese
remainder theorem, the g i are independent and uniformly at random in subgroups of order
l e i . Hence, the probability that g l e i 1
1 / 2 and the expected number of trials
for any given value g i less than or equal to 2. Hence, the expected number of iterations of
the while loop is less than or equal to 2. This completes the proof.
1is1 /l i
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