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A.7.1 Galois cohomology
One finds brief summaries of Galois cohomology in Appendix B of Silverman [ 505 ] and
Chapter 19 of Cassels [ 114 ]. More detailed references are Serre [ 488 ] and Cassels and
Fr olich [ 116 ].
Let K/
). Unlike most references we
write our Galois groups acting on the left (i.e., as σ ( f ) rather than f σ ). A 1-cocycle in
the additive group K is a function 1 ξ : G
be Galois (we include K
= k
). Let G
Gal(K /
K such that ξ ( στ )
σ ( ξ ( τ ))
ξ ( σ ). A 1-
coboundary in K is the function ξ ( σ )
K . The group of 1-cocycles
modulo 1-coboundaries (the group operation is addition ( ξ 1 +
σ ( γ )
γ for some γ
ξ 2 ( τ )) is
denoted H 1 ( G, K). Similarly, for the multiplicative group K , a 1-cocycle satisfies ξ ( στ )
ξ 2 )( τ )
ξ 1 ( τ )
σ ( ξ ( τ )) ξ ( σ ), a 1-coboundary is σ ( γ ) and the quotient group is denoted H 1 ( G,K ).
be Galois. Then H 1 (Gal( K/
Theorem A.7.2 Let K/
) ,K )
and ( Hilbert 90 )
H 1 (Gal( K/
) ,K )
(i.e., both groups are trivial).
Proof The case of finite extensions K/
is given in Exercise 20.5 of Cassels [ 114 ]or
Propositions 1 and 2 of Chapter 10 of [ 488 ]. For a proof in the infinite case see Propositions
2 and 3 (Sections 2.6 and 2.7) of Chapter 5 of [ 116 ].
A.8 Finite fields
Let p be a prime. Denote by
F p = Z
the finite field of p elements. The multiplicative
F p . Recall that
F p is a cyclic group. A generator for
F q is
group of non-zero elements is
F q is ϕ ( q
called a primitive root . The number of primitive roots in
Theorem A.8.1 Let p be a prime and m
F p m having p m ele-
ments. All such fields are isomorphic. Every finite field can be represented as
∈ N
. Then there exists a field
F p [ x ] / ( F ( x ))
where F ( x )
∈ F p [ x ] is a monic irreducible polynomial of degree m; the corresponding
vector space basis
1 ,x,...,x m 1
F p m /
F p is called a polynomial basis .
Proof See Corollary V.5.7 of [ 271 ] or Section 20.2 of [ 497 ].
If p is a prime and q
p m then
F p nm may be viewed as a degree n algebraic extension
F q .
Theorem A.8.2 Every finite field
F p m has a vector space basis over
F p of the form
θ,θ p ,...,θ p m 1
;thisiscalleda normal basis .
Proof See Theorem 2.35 or Theorem 3.73 of [ 350 , 351 ] or Exercise 20.14 of [ 497 ](the
latter proof works for extensions of
F p , but not for all fields).
We discuss methods to construct a normal basis in Section 2.14.1 .
Theorem A.8.3 Let q be a prime power and m
∈ N
. Then
F q m is an algebraic extension
F q that is Galois. The Galois group is cyclic of order m and generated by the q-power
Frobenius automorphism π : x
x q .
It is also necessary that ξ satisfy some topological requirements, but we do not explain these here.
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