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repeated factor. It follows that F ( x ) is square-free if F ( x )
0 and gcd( F ( x ) ,F ( x ))
gcd( F ( x ) ,F ( x )) then F ( x ) /S ( x ) is square-free.
If F ( x )
∈ F q [ x ] and S ( x )
Exercise 2.12.1 Determine the complexity of testing whether a polynomial F ( x )
∈ F q [ x ]
is square-free.
Exercise 2.12.2 Show that one can reduce polynomial factorisation over finite fields to the
case of factoring square-free polynomials.
Finding roots of polynomials in finite fields
Let F ( x )
∈ F q [ x ]havedegree d . The roots of F ( x )in
F q are precisely the roots of
gcd( F ( x ) ,x q
R 1 ( x )
x ) .
If q is much larger than d then the efficient way to compute R 1 ( x ) is to compute
x q (mod F ( x )) using a square-and-multiply algorithm and then run Euclid's algorithm.
Exercise 2.12.3 Determine the complexity of computing R 1 ( x ) in equation ( 2.2 ). Hence,
explain why the decision problem “Does F ( x )havearootin
F q ?” has a polynomial-time
The basic idea of root-finding algorithms is to note that, if q is odd, x q
x ( x ( q 1) / 2
1)( x ( q 1) / 2
1). Hence, one can try to split 7 R 1 ( x ) by computing
gcd( R 1 ( x ) ,x ( q 1) / 2
1) .
Similar ideas can be used when q is even (see Section 2.14.2 ).
Exercise 2.12.4 Show that the roots of the polynomial in equation ( 2.3 ) are precisely the
F q .
∈ F q such that F ( α )
0 and α is a square in
To obtain a randomised (Las Vegas) algorithm to factor R 1 ( x ) completely when q is odd
one simply chooses a random polynomial u ( x )
∈ F q [ x ]ofdegree <d and computes
gcd( R 1 ( x ) ,u ( x ) ( q 1) / 2
1) .
F q . In practice,
it suffices to choose u ( x ) to be linear. Performing this computation sufficiently many times
on the resulting factors of R 1 ( x ) and taking gcds (greatest common divisors) eventually
leads to the complete factorisation of R 1 ( x ).
This computation selects those roots α of R 1 ( x ) such that u ( α ) is a square in
Exercise 2.12.5 Write down pseudocode for the above root-finding algorithm and show
that its expected complexity (without using a fast Euclidean algorithm) is bounded by
O (log( d )(log( q ) M ( d )
d 2 ))
O (log( q )log( d ) d 2 ) field operations.
We reserve the word “factor” for giving the full decomposition into irreducibles, whereas we use the word “split” to mean
breaking into two pieces.
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