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Exercise 2.10.2 Prove Lemma 2.10.1 .
Exercise 2.10.3
Describe the Karatsuba and 3-Toom-Cook algorithms for multiplication
of polynomials of degree d in
F q [ x ]. Show that these algorithms have complexity O ( d 1 . 585 )
and O ( d 1 . 404 ) multiplications in
F q .
Asymptotically fast multiplication of polynomials, analogous to the algorithms men-
tioned in Section 2.2 , are given in Chapter 8 of [ 220 ] or Section 18.6 of [ 497 ]. Multipli-
cation of polynomials in
[ x ] of degree bounded by d can be done in O ( M ( d )) multipli-
cations in
. The methods mentioned in Section 2.5 for efficiently computing remainders
F ( x )(mod G ( x )) in
[ x ] can also be used with polynomials; see Section 9.6.2 of [ 150 ]
or Section 11.1 of [ 220 ] for details. Fast variants of the extended Euclidean algorithm for
polynomials in
[ x ] of degree bounded by d require O ( M ( d ) log( d )) multiplications in
and O ( d ) inversions in
(Corollary 11.6 of [ 220 ]).
Kronecker substitution is a general technique that transforms polynomial multiplica-
tion into integer multiplication. It allows multiplication of two-degree d polynomials in
F q [ x ] (where q is prime) in O ( M ( d (log( q )
O ( M ( d log( dq ))) bit operations;
see Section 1.3 of [ 95 ], Section 8.4 of [ 220 ] or Section 18.6 of [ 497 ]. Kronecker substitu-
tion can be generalised to bivariate polynomials and hence to polynomials over
log( d ))))
F q where
q is a prime power. We write M ( d,q )
M ( d log( dq )) for the number of bit operations to
multiply two-degree d polynomials over
F q .
Exercise 2.10.4 Show that Montgomery reduction and multiplication can be implemented
for arithmetic modulo a polynomial F ( x )
∈ F q [ x ]ofdegree d .
Exercise 2.10.5 One can evaluate a polynomial F ( x )
R [ x ]atavalue a
R efficiently
= i = 0 F i x i then one computes F ( a )as
using Horner's rule . More precisely, if F ( x )
F 0 . Write pseudocode for Horner's rule and show
that the method requires d additions and d multiplications if deg( F ( x ))
(( F d a ) a
F d 1 ) a
F 1 ) a
d .
2.11 Arithmetic in finite fields
Efficient algorithms for arithmetic modulo p have been presented, but we now consider
arithmetic in finite fields
F p m when m> 1. We assume
F p m is represented using either a
polynomial basis (i.e., as
F p [ x ] / ( F ( x ))) or a normal basis. Our main focus is when either
p is large and m is small, or vice versa. Optimal asymptotic complexities for the case when
both p and m grow large require some care.
Exercise 2.11.1 Show that addition and subtraction of elements in
F p m requires O ( m )
additions in
F p m , represented by a polynomial basis
and using naive methods, requires O ( m 2 ) multiplications modulo p and O ( m ) reductions
modulo p .
F p . Show that multiplication in
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