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E [ p k ]
E [ p k 1 ] and
Couveignes' method is as follows: first, compute points P
E [ p k ]
E [ p k 1 ] over
= P . Then try to determine the rational
F p and guess that φ ( P )
x ([ i ] P ); if this does not work
then try another guess for P . The interpolation is done as follows (we assume p k > 2 ).
First, compute a polynomial A ( x )ofdegree d where 2 <d
function φ 1 ( x )
u ( x ) /v ( x ) by interpolating φ 1 ( x ([ i ] P ))
p k such that A ( x ([ i ] P ))
= i = 1 ( x
x ([ i ] P )for1
x ([ i ] P )). If the guess for P is
d . Also compute B ( x )
correct then A ( x )
u ( x ) /v ( x )(mod B ( x )) where deg( u ( x ))
, deg( v ( x ))
1 and
v ( x ) is a square. Writing this equation as A ( x ) v ( x )
B ( x ) w ( x ) it follows that u ( x )
and v ( x ) can be computed using Euclid's algorithm. The performance of the algorithm
depends on the method used to determine points in E [ p k ], but is dominated by the fact
that these points lie in an extension of the ground field of large degree, and that one
expects to try around
u ( x )
choices for P before hitting the right one. The complexity is
polynomial in ,p and m (where E is over
2 p k
2 the fastest method was given
by Lercier [ 344 ]. For further details we refer to the surveys by Lercier and Morain [ 345 ]
and De Feo [ 185 ].
F p m ). When p
25.3 Isogeny graphs of elliptic curves over finite fields
Let E be an elliptic curve over
F q .The
F q - isogeny class of E is the set of
F q -isomorphism
classes of elliptic curves over
F q that are isogenous over
F q to E . Tate's isogeny theorem
states that two elliptic curves E and E over
F q are
F q -isogenous if and only if # E (
F q )
# E (
F q ) (see Theorem 9.7.4 for one implication).
We have seen in Sections 9.5 and 9.10 that the number of
F q -iso m orphism classes
F q is roughly 2 q and that there are roughly 4 q possible values
of elliptic curves over
for # E (
F q ). Hence, if isomorphism c lasses were distributed uniformly across all group
orders one would expect around
2 q elliptic curves in each isogeny class. The theory of
complex multiplication gives a more precise result (as mentioned in Section 9.10.1 ). We
denote by π q the q -power Frobenius map; see Section 9.10 for its properties. The number
F q -isomorphism classes of ordinary elliptic curv es over
F q with q
t points is the
t 2
Hurwitz class number of the ring
[ π q ]
= Z
[( t
4 q ) / 2]. This is the sum of the ideal
class numbers h (
O O K . It follows (see Remark 9.10.19 ) that
there are O ( q 1 / 2 log( q ) log(log( q ))) elliptic curves in each isogeny class. For supersingular
curves see Theorem 9.11.11 .
) over all orders
[ π q ]
Definition 25.3.1 Let E be an elliptic curve over a field
of characteristic p .Let S
⊆ N
be a finite set of primes. Define
X E, k ,S
to be the (directed) graph 7
-isogeny class of E . Vertices are
typically labelled by j ( E ), though we also speak of “the vertex E ”. 8
with vertex set being the
There is a (directed)
7 Some authors would use the name “multi-graph”, since there can be loops and/or multiple edges between vertices.
In the supersingular case one can label vertices as j ( E ) without ambiguity only when k is algebraically closed: when k is finite
then, in the supersingular case, one has two distinct vertices in the graph for E and its quadratic twist. For the ordinary case
there is no ambiguity by Lemma 9.11.12 (also see Exercise 25.3.8 ).
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