Cryptography Reference
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Section 9 of [ 149 ]): just remove the component e of the ciphertext and set the encapsulated
key to be K
kdf ( g 1 ,h k ). An alternative KEM (with even shorter ciphertext) was proposed
by Kurosawa and Desmedt [ 323 ]. Their idea was to set K
c k d αk for
kdf ( v ) where v
( g 1 ,g 2 ). The security again
follows from Lemma 23.2.8 : informally, querying the decryption oracle on badly formed
( u 1 ,u 2 ) gives no information about the key K .
H ( u 1 ,u 2 ). The KEM ciphertext is therefore just ( u 1 ,u 2 )
Exercise 23.2.10 Write down a formal description of the Cramer-Shoup KEM.
Exercise 23.2.11 Show that an adversary against the Cramer-Shoup scheme who knows
any pair ( z 1 ,z 2 ) such that h
g z 1 g z 2
can decrypt valid ciphertexts.
x 1 ,x 2 ,y 1 ,y 2 . Show how the adversary can win the OWE-CCA security game.
Exercise 23.2.13 Suppose the checks that u 1 ,u 2
G are omitted in the Cramer-Shoup
1) is a small prime (say l< 2 10 ). Suppose
the Decrypt algorithm uses the method of Exercise 23.2.5 . Show how to determine, using
a decryption oracle, z 1 (mod l ) and z 2 (mod l ). Show that if p
⊂ F p where l
cryptosystem. Suppose G
( p
1 has many such small
factors l then one could recover the values z 1 and z 2 in the private key of the Cramer-Shoup
Cramer and Shoup [ 148 ] have shown how the above cryptosystem fits into a general
framework for constructing secure encryption schemes using “universal hash proof sys-
tems”. We do not have space to present this topic.
23.3 Other encryption functionalities
There are many variants of public key encryption (such as threshold decryption, server-aided
decryption, etc.). In this section we briefly sketch two important variants: homomorphic
encryption and identity-based encryption.
23.3.1 Homomorphic encryption
Let c 1 ,..., c k be ciphertexts that are encryptions under some public key of messages
m 1 ,..., m k . The goal of homomorphic encryption is for any user to be able to efficiently
compute a ciphertext that encrypts F ( m 1 ,..., m k ) for any function F , given only a descrip-
tion of the function F and the ciphertexts c 1 ,..., c k . An encryption scheme that has this
property is called fully homomorphic .
Homomorphic encryption schemes allow third parties to perform computations on
encrypted data. A common additional security requirement is that the resulting cipher-
texts do not reveal to a user with the private key what computation was performed (except
its result). A typical application of homomorphic encryption is voting: if users encrypt
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