Cryptography Reference
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Let κ be a security parameter. The scheme requires a symmetric encryption scheme, a
MAC scheme and a key derivation function. The symmetric encryption functions Enc and
Dec take an l 1 -bit key and encrypt messages of arbitrary length. The MAC function MAC
takes an l 2 -bit key and a message of arbitrary length and outputs an l 3 -bit binary string.
The key derivation function is a function kdf : G
l 1 + l 2 . The values l 1 , l 2 and l 3
depend on the security parameter. Note that it is important that the MAC is evaluated on
the ciphertext not the message, since a MAC is not required to have any confidentiality
properties. The DHIES encryption scheme is given in Box 23.1 .
0 , 1
KeyGen ( κ ): Generate an algebraic group or algebraic group quotient G whose order is
divisible by a large prime r (so that the discrete logarithm problem in the subgroup of prime
order r requires at least 2 κ bit operations).
Choose a random g G of exact order r . Choose a random integer 0 <a<r and set
h = g a .
The public key is ( G,g,h ) and the private key is a . Alternatively, ( G,g ) are system
parameters that are fixed for all users and only h is the public key.
The message space is M κ ={ 0 , 1 } .
The ciphertext space is C κ = G ×{ 0 , 1 } ×{ 0 , 1 }
l 3 .
Encrypt ( m ,h ): ( m
0 , 1
} and h is the authentic public key of the receiver)
Choose a random 0 <k<r and set c 1 = g k .
kdf ( h k ) and parse K as K 1 K 2 where K 1 and K 2 are l 1 and l 2 bit binary strings
Set K =
MAC K 2 ( c 2 ).
Transmit the ciphertext ( c 1 , c 2 , c 3 ).
Set c 2 =
Enc K 1 ( m )and c 3 =
Decrypt ( c 1 , c 2 , c 3 ,a ):
Check that c 1 G and that c 3 is an l 3 -bit string (if not then return and halt).
Compute K = kdf ( c 1 ) and parse it as K 1 K 2 .
Check whether c 3 = MAC K 2 ( c 2 ) (if not then return and halt).
Return m = Dec K 1 ( c 2 ).
Box 23.1 DHIES public key encryption
Exercise 23.1.1 Show that decryption does return the message when given a ciphertext
produced by the DHIES encryption algorithm.
A variant of DHIES is to compute the key derivation function on the pair of group (or
algebraic group quotient) elements ( g k ,h k ) rather than just h k . This case is presented in
Section 10 of Cramer and Shoup [ 149 ]. As explained in Section 10.7 of [ 149 ], this variant
can yield a tighter security reduction.
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