Cryptography Reference
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Similarly, one can compute signatures for all the messages m i . Hence, the simulator provides
to A the public key ( g 1 ,g 2 ,h,z =
e ( g 1 ,g 2 )) and all t signatures.
Eventually, A outputs a forgery ( m , s ) such that m
and q is polynomial in the security parameter then m is one of the dummy messages with
negligible probability ( q
m i for 1
t .If t<q
t ) /r . One has
g ( m + a ) 1
g F ( a )( m + a ) 1
(mod r )
(mod r )
The final trick is to note that the polynomial F ( a ) can be written as G ( a )( a
m )
c for
) . Hence, the rational
some explicitly computable values G ( a )
)[ a ] and c
function F ( a ) / ( a
m ) can be written as
F ( a )
m =
G ( a )
m .
One can therefore deduce g ( a + m ) 1
(mod r )
as required.
A fully secure signature scheme is given in [ 71 ] and it requires an extra element in the
public key and an extra element (of
) in the signature. The security proof is rather
more complicated, but the essential idea is the same.
Jao and Yoshida [ 280 ] showed the converse result, namely that if one can solve q -SDH
then one can forge signatures for the Boneh-Boyen scheme. It follows that one can use the
algorithms of Section 21.5 to forge signatures, though this is not a serious problem since
those algorithms require exponential time.
22.3 Lattice attacks on signatures
As mentioned earlier, there is a possibility that signatures could leak information about the
private key. Indeed, Nguyen and Regev [ 410 ] give such an attack on lattice-based signatures.
The aim of this section is to present an attack due to Howgrave-Graham and Smart [ 270 ].
They determine the private key when given some signatures and given some bits of the
random values k (for example, due to a side-channel attack or a weak pseudorandom number
generator). The analysis of their attack was improved by Nguyen and Shparlinski [ 411 , 412 ]
(also see Chapter 16 of [ 499 ]).
The attack works for any signature scheme where one can obtain from a valid signature a
linear equation modulo r with two unknowns, namely the private key a and the randomness
k . We now clarify that this attack applies to the s 2 value for the Schnorr, Elgamal and DSA
signature schemes:
Schnorr: s 2
a s 1 (mod r ) where s 1 , s 2 are known.
Elgamal: k s 2
H ( m )
aF ( s 1 )(mod r ) where H ( m ) ,F ( s 1 ) and s 2 are known.
DSA: k s 2
H ( m )
a s 1 (mod r ) where H ( m ) , s 1 and s 2 are known.
Suppose we are given a message m and a valid signature ( s 1 , s 2 ) and also the l most
or least significant bits of the random value k used by the Sign algorithm to generate s 1 .
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