Cryptography Reference
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This is a special case of Garner's algorithm (see Section 14.5.2 of [ 376 ] or Section 10.6.4
of [ 16 ]).
Exercise 2.6.1 Suppose m 1 <m 2 and 0
c i <m i . What is the input size of the instance
of the CRT? What is the complexity of computing the solution?
Exercise 2.6.2 Let n> 2 and suppose coprime integers 2
m 1 <
<m n and integers
= i = 1 m i .For1
c 1 ,...,c n such that 0
c i <m i for 1
n are given. Let N
N 1
define N i =
N/m i and u i =
(mod m i ). Show that
c i u i N i
satisfies x
n .
Show that one can compute the integer x in equation ( 2.1 )in O ( n 2 log( m n ) 2 ) bit opera-
c i (mod m i ) for all 1
Exercise 2.6.3 Show that a special case of Exercise 2.6.2 (which is recommended when
many computations are required for the same pair of moduli) is to precompute the integers
u 1 N 1 and B
u 2 N 2 so that x
c 1 A
c 2 B (mod N ).
Algorithm 10.22 of [ 220 ] gives an asymptotically fast CRT algorithm.
2.7 Linear algebra
Let A be an n
n matrix over a field
. One can perform Gaussian elimination to solve
the linear system A x
b (or determine there are no solutions), to compute det( A )orto
compute A 1 in O ( n 3 ) field operations. When working over
a number of issues arise due
to rounding errors, but no such problems arise when working over finite fields. We refer to
Section 3.3 of Joux [ 283 ] for details.
A matrix is called sparse if almost all entries of each row are zero. To make this precise
one usually considers the asymptotic complexity of an algorithm on m
n matrices, as m
and/or n tends to infinity, and where the number of non-zero entries in each row is bounded
by O (log( n )) or O (log( m )).
One can compute the kernel (i.e., a vector x such that A x
n sparse
matrix A over a field in O ( n 2 ) field operations using the algorithms of Wiedemann [ 562 ]
or Lanczos [ 325 ]. We refer to Section 3.4 of [ 283 ] or Section 12.4 of [ 220 ] for details.
0 )ofan n
Hermite normal form
When working over a ring the Hermite normal form (HNF) is an important tool for solving
or simplifying systems of equations. Some properties of the Hermite normal form are
mentioned in Section A.11 .
Algorithms to compute the HNF of a matrix are given in Section 2.4.2 of Cohen [ 127 ],
Hafner and McCurley [ 247 ], Section 3.3.3 of Joux [ 283 ], Algorithm 16.26 of von zur
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