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1 so that Alice and Bob share the key 2 x . Prove that MSB 1 (2 x ) is a hardcore
[Hint: Suppose one has a perfect oracle A that on input g y outputs MSB 1 (2 y ). Then one
can store Bob's transmission g x and call A ( g x g y ) to get α 2 y , where α
2 x is the desired
hidden number. Then apply Lemma 21.7.3 .]
∈ F p be a primitive root and let > 0. Show that if one has a
perfect oracle for MSB 1 + ( g ab ) then one can solve DDH in
Exercise 21.7.13 Let g
F p .
21.7.3 Hard bits for CDH in other groups
F p where p is prime. It is natural
So far we have only considered CDH in (subgroups of)
F p m , in algebraic tori, in trace systems such as LUC and
XTR and in elliptic curves. The first issue is what is meant by “bits” of such a value. In
practice, elements in such a group are represented as an n -tuple of elements in
to consider CDH in subgroups of
F p and so
F p and take bits of it as done previously. When
p is small, one can consider a sequence of bits, each from different components. An early
reference for bit security of CDH in this setting is Verheul [ 555 ].
It is possible to extend the results to traces relatively easily. The idea is that if
it is natural to consider one component in
θ 1 ,...,θ m }
= j = 1 α j θ j is hidden and if t i = j = 1 t i,j θ j are known
then Tr( αt i ) is a linear equation in the unknown α i .Li,Naslund and Shparlinski [ 349 ]
have studied the bit security of CDH in LUC and XTR. We refer to Chapters 6 and 19 of
Shparlinski [ 499 ] for further details and references.
is a basis for
F p m over
F p ,if α
∈ F 2 m . Suppose
one has a perfect oracle A such that A ( g,g a ,g b ) returns the first coefficient of the normal
basis representation of g ab . Show how to use A to compute g ab . Hence, conclude that the
first coefficient is a hardcore bit for CDH in
F 2 m be represented using a normal basis and let g
Exercise 21.7.14 Let
F 2 m .
∈ F 2 m have prime order r>m . Sup-
pose one has a perfect oracle A such that A ( g,g a ,g b ) returns the constant coefficient of
the polynomial basis representation of g ab . Show how to use A to compute g ab . Hence,
conclude that the constant coefficient is a hardcore bit for CDH in
Exercise 21.7.15 Let
F 2 m
= F 2 [ x ] / ( F ( x )) and let g
F 2 m .
Hard bits for elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman
We now consider the case of elliptic curves E over
F q . A typical way to extract bits from
an elliptic curve point P is to consider the x -coordinate x ( P ) as an element of
F q and then
extract bits of this. It seems hard to give results for the bit security of CDH using an oracle
A ( P, [ a ] P, [ b ] P )
MSB k ( x ([ ab ] P )); the natural generalisation of the previous approach
is to call A ( P, [ a ] P
[ zb ] P )) but the problem is that it
is difficult to infer anything useful about x ([ ab ] P )from x ([ ab ] P
[ z ] P, [ b ] P )
MSB k ( x ([ ab ] P
[ zb ] P ) (similarly, for
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