Cryptography Reference
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Proof Let A be a perfect oracle that on input ( g,g a ) outputs the least significant bit of
a<r . In other words, if the binary expansion of a is i = 0 a i 2 i then A outputs a 0 .We
will use A to compute a .
Thefirststepistocall A ( g,h ) to get a 0 . Once this has been obtained we set h =
hg a 0 .
Then h =
g 2 a 1 + 4 a 2 +··· .Let u
2 1
( r
1) / 2(mod r ) and define
( h ) u .
h 1 =
g a 1 + 2 a 2 +···
Then h 1 =
so calling A ( g,h 1 )gives a 1 .For i
2 , 3 ,... compute h i =
( h i 1 g a i 1 ) u and a i =
A ( g,h i ), which computes the binary expansion of a . This reduction
runs in polynomial-time and requires polynomially many calls to the oracle A .
Exercise 21.6.4 Give an alternative proof of Theorem 21.6.3 based on bounding the
unknown a in the range
1) r/ 2 j
a<lr/ 2 j .
( l
1) r/ 2 j
a<lr/ 2 j and if
Initially, one sets l
1 and j
0. At step j , if one has ( l
1) r/ 2 j + 1
a/ 2 <lr/ 2 j + 1
and if a is odd then (2 j
1) r/ 2 j + 1
a is even then ( l
r ) / 2 < (2 j
l ) r/ 2 j + 1 . Show that when j
one can compute 2 j a (mod r )
( a
log 2 ( r )
exactly and hence deduce a .
Exercise 21.6.5 Since one can correctly guess the least significant bit of the DLP with
probability 1/2, why does Theorem 21.6.3 not prove that DLP is easy?
One should also consider the case of a DL-LSB oracle that only works with some
noticeable probability . It is then necessary to randomise the calls to the oracle, but the
problem is to determine the LSB of a given the LSBs of some algebraically related values.
The trick is to guess some u
O (log(1 / ))
O (log(log( r ))) most significant bits of a and
g a where the u most significant bits of a are zero).
One can then call the oracle on h g y for random 0
set them to zero (i.e., replace h by h =
r/ 2 u and take a majority vote
to get the result. For details of the argument see Blum and Micali [ 68 ].
We conclude that computing the LSB of the DLP is as hard as computing the whole
DLP; such bits are called hardcore bits .
} be a function computable in polynomial-time
(i.e., there is some polynomial p ( n ) such that for x
} →{
Definition 21.6.6 Let f :
0 , 1
0 , 1
n one can compute f ( x )inat
0 , 1
} →{
most p ( n ) bit operations). A function b :
is a hardcore bit or hardcore
predicate for f if, for all probabilistic polynomial-time algorithms A ,the advantage
Adv x ∈{ 0 , 1 } n A ( f ( x ))
0 , 1
0 , 1
b ( x )
is negligible as a function of n .
We now give some candidate hardcore predicates for the DLP. We also restate the
meaning of hardcore bit for functions defined on
} .
0 , 1 ,...,r
rather than
0 , 1
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