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Corollary 21.4.7 LetA ( κ ) be an algorithm that outputs triples ( g,h,r ) such thatr is aκ-bit
prime, g has order r, r
1 is O (log( r ) 2 ) -smooth and h
. Then DLP
R Fixed-CDH
for the problem instances output by A.
O (log( r ) 2 ) into Theo-
rem 21.4.6 gives a reduction with O (log( r ) log log( r )) oracle queries and O (log( r ) 3 ) group
and field operations.
Proof Suppose one has a perfect Fixed-CDH oracle. Putting l
The same results trivially hold if one has a perfect CDH oracle.
Exercise 21.4.8
Determine the complexity in Theorem 21.4.6 if one has a Fixed-CDH
oracle that only succeeds with probability .
Cherepnev [ 126 ] iterates the den Boer reduction to show that if one has an efficient CDH
algorithm for arbitrary groups then one can solve DLP in a given group in subexponential
time. This result is of a very different flavour to the other reductions in this chapter (which
all use an oracle for a group G to solve a computational problem in the same group G )so
we do not discuss it further.
21.4.3 The Maurer reduction
The den Boer reduction can be seen as solving the DLP in the algebraic group G m (
F r ),
performing all computations using implicit representation. Maurer's idea was to replace
G m (
F r ) by any algebraic group G (
F r ), in particular the group of points on an elliptic curve
E (
F r ). As with Lenstra's elliptic curve factoring method, even when r
1 is not smooth,
there might be an elliptic curve E such that E (
F r ) is smooth.
When one uses a general algebraic group G there are two significant issues that did not
arise in the den Boer reduction.
The computation of the group operation in G may require inversions. This is true for
elliptic curve arithmetic using affine coordinates.
g a one must be able to compute an element P
Given h
F r ), in implicit represen-
tation, such that once P has been determined in explicit representation one can compute
a . For an elliptic curve E one could hope that P
G (
( a,b )
E (
F r )forsome b
∈ F r .
Before giving the main result we address the second of these issues. In other words, we
show how to embed a DLP instance into an elliptic curve point.
g a . Let E : y 2
x 3
Lemma 21.4.9 Let g have prime order r and let h
B be
an affine elliptic curve over
F r . Given a perfect Fixed-CDH oracle there is an algorithm
that outputs an implicit representation ( g X ,g Y ) of a point ( X,Y )
F r ) and some extra
data, and makes an expectedO (log( r )) oracle queries and is expected to performO (log( r ))
group operations in
E (
. Furthermore, given the explicit value of X and the extra data, one
can compute a.
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