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Exercise 21.3.9 Show that if the conjecture of Stolarsky (see Section 2.8) is true then one
can compute g a n in log 2 ( n )
log 2 (log 2 ( n )) Fixed-CDH oracle queries.
21.4 The den Boer and Maurer reductions
The goal of this section is to discuss reductions from DLP to CDH or Fixed-CDH in groups
of prime order r . Despite having proved that Fixed-CDH and CDH are equivalent, we
prefer to treat them separately in this section. The first such reduction (assuming a perfect
Fixed-CDH oracle) was given by den Boer [ 156 ] in 1988. Essentially, den Boer's method
involves solving a DLP in
F r , and so it requires r
1 to be sufficiently smooth. Hence,
there is no hope of this approach giving an equivalence between Fixed-CDH and DLP for
all groups of prime order.
The idea was generalised by Maurer [ 362 ] in 1994, by replacing the multiplicative
F r by an elliptic curve group E (
F r ). Maurer and Wolf [ 365 , 366 , 368 ] extended the
result to non-perfect oracles. If # E (
F r ) is sufficiently smooth then the reduction is efficient.
Unfortunately, there is no known algorithm to efficiently generate such smooth elliptic
curves. Hence, Maurer's result also does not prove equivalence between Fixed-CDH and
DLP for all groups. A subexponential-time reduction that conjecturally applies to all groups
was given by Boneh and Lipton [ 78 ]. An exponential-time reduction (but still faster than
known algorithms to solve DLP) that applies to all groups was given by Muzereau, Smart
and Vercauteren [ 402 ] and Bentahar [ 39 , 40 ].
21.4.1 Implicit representations
Definition 21.4.1 Let G be a group and let g
G have prime order r .For a
∈ Z
g a an implicit representation of a .
call h
In this section we call the usual representation of a
∈ Z
the explicit representation
of a .
Lemma 21.4.2 There is an efficient (i.e., computable in polynomial-time) mapping from
given in implicit representation. If h 1 is an implicit representation of a and h 2 is an implicit
representation of b then h 1 h 2 is an implicit representation of a
to the implicit representations of
. One can test equality of elements in
b and h 1
is an implicit
representation of
In other words, we can compute in the additive group
using implicit representa-
Lemma 21.4.3 If h is an implicit representation of a and b
∈ Z
is known explicitly,
then h b is an implicit representation of ab.
Let O be a perfect Fixed-CDH oracle with respect to g. Suppose h 1 is an implicit
representation of a and h 2 is an implicit representation of b. Then h
O ( h 1 ,h 2 ) is an
implicit representation of ab.
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