Cryptography Reference
In-Depth Information
KeyGen ( κ ): Run a parameter generation algorithm on security parameter κ that outputs an
algebraic group G over a finite field
F q ) has a prime divisor r and all known
algorithms for the discrete logarithm problem in a subgroup of G ( F q )oforder r require at least
2 κ bit operations.
F q such that # G (
Compute g G of prime order r .
Choose a random integer 0 <a<r and set h = g a . The public key is ( G,g,h ) and the private
key is a .
The message space is M κ =
G .
The ciphertext space is C κ =
G .
Encrypt ( m ): (where m G ).
Obtain the public key h of the recipient, Alice.
Choose a random 0 <k<r and set c 1 =
g k .
m h k .
Transmit the ciphertext ( c 1 , c 2 ).
Set c 2 =
Decrypt ( c 1 , c 2 ): Check that c 1 , c 2
G . If so, compute and output
= c 2 c 1 .
Box 20.1 Classic textbook Elgamal encryption
KeyGen ( κ ): Generate an algebraic group or algebraic group quotient G as in Box 20.1 . Choose
a random g G of prime order r .
Choose a message size l and a cryptographic hash function H : G →{ 0 , 1 }
l .
Choose a random integer 0 <a<r and set h = g a . The public key is ( G,H,g,h ) and the
private key is a .
The message space is M κ ={ 0 , 1 }
l .
The ciphertext space is C κ = G ×{ 0 , 1 }
l .
l ).
Obtain the public key of the recipient, Alice.
Choose a random 0 <k<r and set c 1 = g k .
Set c 2 = m H ( h k ).
Transmit the ciphertext ( c 1 , c 2 ).
Encrypt ( m ): (where m
∈{ 0 , 1 }
Decrypt ( c 1 , c 2 ): Check that c 1 G and c 2 ∈{ 0 , 1 }
l . If so, compute and output
c 2 H ( c 1 ) .
Box 20.2 Semi-textbook Elgamal encryption
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