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tuples (i.e., the uniform distribution on tuples of the form ( g,g a ,g b ,g ab )
G 4 ) and the
uniform distribution on G 4 .
Definition 20.2.4 Let ( G n ,r n ) be a family of cyclic groups G n of order r n ,for n
DDH algorithm for the family G n is an algorithm A that takes as input a quadruple in G n
and outputs “yes” or “no”. The advantage of the DDH algorithm A is
∈ N
= Pr A g,g a ,g b ,g ab =
Adv( A )
yes ": g
G n ,a,b
← Z
Pr A g,g a ,g b ,g c =
Z .
yes ": g
G n , a,b,c
← Z
A DDH algorithm is called successful if the advantage is noticeable. The DDH assumption
for the family of groups is that all polynomial-time (i.e., running time O (log( r n ) c )forsome
constant c ) DDH algorithms have negligible advantage.
Lemma 20.2.5 DDH
Exercise 20.2.6 Prove Lemma 20.2.5 .
Exercise 20.2.7 Definition 20.2.3 states that r is prime. Show that if ( g,g a ,g b ,g c )is
a quadruple of elements such that the order of g is n for some integer n where n has
some small factors (e.g., factors l
n such that l
log 2 ( n )) then one can eliminate some
quadruples ( g,g a ,g b ,g c )
G 4 that are not valid DDH tuples by reducing to DDH instances
in subgroups of prime order. Show that this is enough to obtain a successful DDH algorithm
according to Definition 20.2.4 .
20.2.2 Burmester-Desmedt key exchange
In the case of n> 2 participants there is a generalisation of Diffie-Hellman key exchange
due to Burmester and Desmedt [ 107 ] that requires two rounds of broadcast. Let the partic-
ipants in the protocol be numbered as player 0 to player n
1. In the first round, player i
g a i to the other players (or, at
(for 0
i<n ) chooses a random 1
a i <r and sends c i =
least, to player i
1(mod n ) and i
1(mod n )). In the second round, player i computes
t i = c i + 1(mod n ) c 1
1(mod n ) a i
and sends it to all other players. Finally, player i computes
c na i
i +
1(mod n ) t n 1
1(mod n ) t n 2
t i + n 1(mod n ) .
i +
i +
2(mod n )
Lemma 20.2.8 Each participant in the Burmester-Desmedt protocol computes
g a 0 a 1 + a 1 a 2 +··· a n 2 a n 1 + a n 1 a 0 .
Exercise 20.2.9 Prove Lemma 20.2.8 .
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