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M 1 / 3
In other words, if d
2 then it is sufficient that X
to find the small solution
M 1 / 6 . This is the result of
Hastad. Of course, LLL often works better than the worst-case bound, so small solutions
x 0 may be found even when x 0 does not satisfy the condition of the Theorem.
using the above method. If d
3 then it is sufficient that X
Example 19.1.6 Let M
10001 and consider the polynomial
x 3
10 x 2
F ( x )
5000 x
222 .
One can check that F ( x ) is irreducible, and that F ( x ) has the small solution x 0 =
4 modulo
<M 1 / 6
M . Note that
x 0 |
so one expects to be able to find x 0 using the above method.
Suppose X
10 is the given bound on the size of x 0 . Consider the basis matrix
MX 2
5000 X 10 X 2
X 3
Running LLL on this matrix gives a reduced basis, the first row of which is
(444 , 10 ,
2000 ,
2000) .
The polynomial corresponding to this vector is
20 x 2
2 x 3 .
G ( x )
Running Newton's root-finding method on G ( x ) gives the solution x 0 =
19.1.2 The full Coppersmith method
The method in the previous section allows one to find small roots of modular poly-
nomials, but it can be improved further. Looking at the proof of Theorem 19.1.5 one
sees that the requirement for s uccess is essentially det( L ) <M n (more precisely, it is
2 d/ 4 M d/ ( d + 1) X d/ 2 <M/ d
1). There are two strategies to extend the utility of the
method (i.e., to allow bigger values for X ). The first is to increase the dimension n by
adding rows to L that contribute less than M to the determinant. The second is to increase
the power of M on the right hand side. One can increase the dimension without increasing
the power of M by using the so-called “ x -shift” polynomials xF ( x ) ,x 2 F ( x ) ,...,x k F ( x );
Example 19.1.7 gives an example of this. One can increase the power of M on the right hand
side by using powers of F ( x ) (since if F ( x 0 )
0(mod M ) then F ( x 0 ) k
0(mod M k )).
Example 19.1.7 Consider the problem of Example 19.1.6 . The lattice has dimension 4 and
determinant M 3 X 3 . The condition for LLL to output a sufficiently small vector is
2 3 / 4 M 3 X 6 1 / 4
4 ,
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