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b i i 1
k = j µ i,k b k in line 6 of Algorithm 23 during
Exercise 17.3.3 Consider the vector v
iteration j . Show that
i 1
µ i,k
b k
2 .
b i
m throughout the loop in line 4 of the algorithm.
Deduce that
b i
and that d i 1 v
∈ Z
m . Let X
Theorem 17.3.4 Let b 1 ,..., b n be vectors in
∈ Z 2 be such that
b i
X for
n. Then the Gram-Schmidt algorithm performs O ( n 4 m log( X ) 2 ) bit operations.
The output size is O ( n 2 m log( X )) .
arithmetic for the vectors b i . Lemma 17.3.2
Proof One runs Algorithm 23 using exact
shows that the denominators in b i are all factors of d i 1 , which has size i 1
j = 1 B j
i 1
j = 1
X , so the numerators are bounded by X i .The
size of each vector b i and, by Exercise 17.3.3 , the intermediate steps v in the computation
are therefore O ( mi log( X )) bits, which gives the output size of the algorithm. The compu-
X i 1 .Also,
b i
b j
b i
b i , b j
requires O ( mn log( X ) 2 ) bit operations and the computation
b j , b j
O ( mn 2 log( X ) 2 ) bit operations. As there are O ( n 2 ) vector operations to perform, one gets
the stated running time.
Corollary 17.3.5 Let the notation be as in Theorem 17.3.4 and let L be the lattice in
. Then one can compute det( L ) 2
in O ( n 4 m log( X ) 2 ) bit operations. 3
with basis
b 1 ,..., b n }
= i = 1
b i
2 . One computes b i using exact (naive)
Proof Lemma 16.1.14 implies det( L ) 2
b i
in O ( n 4 m log( X ) 2 ) bit operations. One computes each
arithmetic over
∈ Q
b i
b i
b i
O ( mn 2 log( X ) 2 ) bit operations. Since
X and d i 1
∈ Z
it follows that
b i
is a ratio of integers bounded by X n . One computes the product of the
2 in O ( n 3 log( X ) 2 )
bit operations (since the integers in the product are bounded by X n 2 ). Finally, one can reduce
the fraction using Euclid's algorithm and division in O ( n 4 log( X ) 2 ) bit operations.
17.4 The LLL algorithm
The Lenstra-Lenstra-Lovasz (LLL) algorithm is an iterative algorithm that transforms
a given lattice basis into an LLL-reduced one. Since the definition of LLL-reduced uses
Gram-Schmidt vectors, the algorithm performs the Gram-Schmidt method as a subroutine.
The first condition of Definition 17.2.4 is easily met by taking suitable integer linear
combinations. If the second condition is not met then b i is not significantly longer than b i 1 .
In this case, we swap b i and b i 1 and backtrack. The swapping of vectors is familiar from
the Lagrange-Gauss two-dimensional lattice basis reduction algorithm and also Euclid's
algorithm. We give the precise details in Algorithm 24 .
Since det( L ) 2
∈ Z while det( L ) may not be rational if n<m , we prefer to work with det( L ) 2 .
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