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b 1
2 <
2 / 3 unless we are in the last two iterations of the algorithm.
We show that
b 1
b 1
2 / 3. Then
To do this, suppose that
b 1
b 1 , b 2 | = |
b 1 , b 1 | = |
b 1
2 .
b 1
b 1
It follows that, in the next iteration of the algorithm, we will be taking m
1 , 0 , 1
and so the next iteration would, at most, replace b 1
with b 2 ±
b 1 =
b 1 ±
( b 2
m b 1 ). But,
if this were smaller than b 1
then we would have already computed b 1
differently in the
current iteration. Hence, the next step is the final iteration.
2 such that
Theorem 17.1.10 Let X
∈ Z 2 and let b 1 , b 2 be vectors in
b i
X. Then
the Lagrange-Gauss algorithm performs O (log( X ) 3 ) bit operations.
Proof Lemma 17.1.9 shows that there are O (log( X )) iterations in the Lagrange-Gauss
algorithm. Since the squared Euclidean lengths of all vectors in th e algorithm are bounded
by X , it follows that entries of vectors are integers bounded by X . Similarly, the numerator
and denominator of µ
∈ Q
require O (log( X )) bits. The result follows.
A much more precise analysis of the Lagrange-Gauss reduction algorithm is given by
Va l l ee [ 551 ]. Indeed, the algorithm has complexity O (log( X ) 2 ) bit operations; see Nguyen
and Stehl´e[ 408 ].
The above discussion is for the Euclidean norm, but the Lagrange-Gauss reduction
algorithm can be performed for any norm (the only change is how one computes µ ). We
refer to Kaib and Schnorr [ 292 ] for analysis and details.
Finally, we remark that there is a natural analogue of Definition 17.1.1 for any dimension.
Hence, it is natural to try to generalise the Lagrange-Gauss algorithm to higher dimensions.
Generalisations to dimension three have been given by Vallee [ 550 ] and Semaev [ 485 ].
There are a number of problems when generalising to higher dimensions. For example,
choosing the right linear combination to size reduce b n using b 1 ,..., b n 1 is solving the
CVP in a sublattice (which is a hard problem). Furthermore, there is no guarantee that the
resulting basis actually has good properties in high dimension. We refer to Nguyen and
Stehl´e[ 413 ] for a full discussion of these issues and an algorithm that works in dimensions
3 and 4.
17.1.1 Connection between Lagrange-Gauss reduction and Euclid's algorithm
The Lagrange-Gauss algorithm is closely related to Euclid's algorithm. We briefly discuss
some similarities and differences. Recall that if a,b
then Euclid's algorithm (using
signed remainders) produces a sequence of integers r i ,s i ,t i such that
∈ Z
as i +
bt i =
r i
r i t i |
r i s i |
. The precise formulae are r i + 1 =
r i 1
qr i and s i + 1 =
s i 1
qs i where q
r i 1 /r i
. The sequence
r i |
is strictly decreasing. The initial values
are r 1 =
a,r 0 =
b,s 1 =
1 ,s 0 =
0 ,t 1 =
0 ,t 0 =
1. In other words, the lattice with basis
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