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For the analysis one needs to estimate the probability that a randomly chosen reduced
divisor is smooth.
Theorem 15.6.1 (Theorem 6 of Enge and Stein [ 183 ]) Let C be a hyperelliptic curve of
genus g over
F q . Let c> 1 and let b
log q ( L q g (1 / 2 ,c ))
. Then the number of b-smooth
reduced divisors of degree g is at least
q g
L q g (1 / 2 , 1 / (2 c )
o (1))
for fixed q and g
Note that the smoothness bound in the above result is the ceiling of a real number.
Hence one cannot deduce subexponential running time unless the genus is sufficiently
large compared with the field size.
15.6.1 Index calculus on hyperelliptic curves
#Pic 0
F q ( C ) and r 2
Suppose that r
N . Suppose D 1 ,D 2 are two divisor classes on
C over
F q of order r represented by reduced divisors D 1 and D 2 . The algorithm of
Section 15.5.1 immediately applies to solve the DLP: choose the factor base as above; gen-
erate random reduced divisors by computing [ n 1 ] D 1 +
[ n 2 ] D 2 +
δ (where δ is uniformly
Pic 0
chosen 9
from the subgroup G
F q ( C ) of order N/r ); store the resulting smooth rela-
tions; perform linear algebra modulo r to find integers a,b such that [ a ] D 1 +
(extra care is needed when there are two points at infinity to be sure the relation is correct).
[ b ] D 2
Exercise 1 5. 6.2 Show that the expected running time of this algorithm is (rigorously!)
L q g (1 / 2 , 2
o (1)) bit operations as g
We refer to Section VII.5 of [ 61 ] for practical details of the algorithm. Note that the
performance can be improved using the sieving method of Flassenberg and Paulus [ 189 ].
15.6.2 The algorithm of Adleman, De Marrais and Huang
This algorithm, from [ 4 ], uses the same factor base as the method of the previous section. The
main difference is to generate relations by decomposing principal divisors A ( x )
yB ( x ).
An advantage of this approach is that group operations are not required.
By Exercise 10.1.21 it is easy to compute v P ( A ( x )
yB ( x )) by computing the norm
A ( x ) 2
F ( x ) B ( x ) 2
H ( x ) A ( x ) B ( x )
and factoring it as a polynomial. If deg( A ( x ))
d A <g and deg( B ( x ))
d B <g then the norm has degree at most max
2 d A , ( g
d A +
, which is much larger in general than the degree g polynomial in
a reduced Mumford representation, but still O ( g ) in practice.
We need to make the heuristic assumption that the probability the norm is b -smooth is
the same as the probability that a random polynomial of the same degree is b -smooth. We
d B , 2 g
2 d B }
We assume that generators for this group are known so that it is easy to sample uniformly from this group.
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