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Theorem 15.5.12 Let p be prime and n,b
∈ N
n d | n µ ( d ) p n/d
p n /n
O ( p n/ 2 /n ) where µ ( d ) is the Mobius function. 8
1. I ( n )
2. If n 1 / 100
n 99 / 100
p n ( b/n ) (1 + o (1)) n/b as n tends to infinity.
then N ( n,b )
3. If n 1 / 100
n 99 / 100
then p ( n,b ) is at least u u (1 + o (1)) where u
n/b and n tends to
4. If n 1 / 100
n 99 / 100
then the expected number of trials before a randomly chosen
F p [ x ] of degree n is b-smooth is u u (1 + o (1)) as u
element of
Proof Statement 1 follows from an elementary counting argument (see, for example,
Theorem 3.25 of Lidl and Niederreiter [ 350 ]).
Statement 2 in the case p
2 is Corollary A.2 of Odlyzko [ 421 ]. The general result
was proved by Soundararajan (see Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 of Lovorn Bender and Pomer-
ance [ 358 ]). Also see Section 9.15 of [ 350 ].
Statement 3 follows immediately from statement 2 and the fact there are p n monic
polynomials of degree at most n (when considering smoothness it is sufficient to study
monic polynomials). Statement 4 follows immediately from statement 3.
The algorithm then follows exactly the ideas of the previous section. Suppose g has
prime order r
( p n
1) and h
. The factor base is
B ={
P ( x )
∈ F p [ x ]: P ( x ) is monic, irreducible and deg( P ( x ))
for some integer b to be determined later. Note that #
B =
I (1)
I (2)
I ( b )
p b + 1 / ( b ( p
1)) (see Exercise 15.5.14 ). We compute random powers of g multiplied by
G (where, if r 2
( p n
1), G ⊆ F p n is the subgroup of order ( p n
a suitable δ
1) /r ;
when r 2
( p n
1) then use the method of Exercise 15.5.8 ), reduce to polynomials in
F p [ x ]ofdegreeatmost n and try to factor them into products of polynomials from
By Exercise 2.12.11 the cost of factoring the b -smooth part of a polynomial of degree n
is O ( bn log( n )log( p ) M (log( p )))
O (log( p n ) 3 ) bit operations (in any case, polynomial-
time). As previously, we are generating polynomials of degree n uniformly at random
and so, by Theorem 15.5.12 , the expected number of trials to get a relation is u u (1 + o (1))
where u
n/b as u
. We need to obtain #
relations in general. Then we obtain
= P B
a single relation of the form hg a δ
P e P , perform linear algebra and hence solve
the DLP.
Exercise 15.5.13 Write the above algorithm in pseudocode.
Exercise 15.5.14 Show that i = 1 I ( b )
b p b (1
O ( bp b/ 2 ). Show that a
2 / ( p
very rough approximation is p b + 1 / ( b ( p
This is the “prime number theorem for polynomials”, I ( n ) p n / log p ( p n ).
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