Cryptography Reference
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What is the probability that a random value x 2
(mod N ) factors over the factor base
How many relations do we require until we can be sure there is a non-trivial vector e ?
What are the chances that computing gcd( X
Y,N ) splits N ?
1 relations are sufficient
for line 9 of Algorithm 21 to succeed. The question is whether 1 < gcd( X
We deal with the latter two points first. It is immediate that s
Y,N ) <N for
the corresponding integers X and Y . There are several ways the algorithm can fail to split
N . For example, it is possible that a relation in equation ( 15.2 ) is such that all e i are even a nd
x< N
≡± i p e i / 2
(mod N ). One way that such relations could arise is from 1
N<x<N ; this situation occurs with ne gli gible probability. If N<x<
or N
N and a
Y< N and so x
Y 2 is a square in
Y (mod N ) and the
relation is useful. The following result shows that all these (and other) bad cases occur with
probability at most 1 / 2.
then 1
2 .
Lemma 15.2.4 The probability to split N using X and Y is at least
Proof Let X and Y be the integers computed in line 10 of Algorithm 21 . We treat Y as fixed,
and consider the probability distribution for X .ByExercise 15.2.1 , the number of solutions
Z to Z 2
Y 2
(mod N )is2 m where m
2 is the number of distinct primes dividing N .
Y are useless but the other 2 m
The two solutions Z
2 solutions will all split N .
Since the values for x are chosen uniformly at random it follows that X is a randomly
chosen solution to the equation X 2
Y 2
(mod N ). It follows that the probability to split
N is (2 m
2) / 2 m
1 / 2.
Exercise 15.2.5 Show that if one takes s
l relations where l
2 then the probability of
1 / 2 l .
splitting N is at least 1
We now consider the probability of smoothness. We first assume the probability that
x 2 (mod N ) is smooth is the same as the probability that a random integer modulo N is
smooth. 3
Lemma 15.2.6 Let the notation be as above. Let T B be the expected number of trials
until a randomly chosen integer modulo N is B-smooth. Assuming the above smoothness
heuristic, Algorithm 21 has expected running time at most
2 T B M (log( N ))
) 3
c 1 #
c 2 (#
bit operations for some constants c 1 ,c 2 (where M ( n ) is the cost of multiplying two n-bit
Section 16.3 of Shoup [ 497 ] gives a modification of the random squares algorithm for which one can avoid this assumption.
The trick is to note that at least one of the cosets of ( Z /N Z ) / (( Z /N Z ) ) 2 has at least as great a proportion of smooth numbers
as random integers up to N (Shoup credits Rackoff for this trick). The idea is to fix some 1 <δ<N and consider relations
coming from smooth values of δx 2
(mod N ).
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