Cryptography Reference
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presentation brief. For further details see Section 5.6.2 of Stinson [ 532 ] or Section 5.2.1 of
Crandall and Pomerance [ 150 ].
Let N be a composite integer to be factored and let p
N be a prime (usually p is the
smallest prime divisor of N ). We try to find a relation that holds modulo p , but not modulo
other primes dividing N .
The basic idea of the rho factoring algorithm is to consider the pseudorandom walk
x 1 =
2 and
x i + 1 =
f ( x i )(mod N )
where the usual choice for f ( x )is x 2
x 2
1(or f ( x )
a for some small integer a ).
Consider the values x i (mod p ) where p
N . The seque nce x i (mod p ) is a pseudorandom
sequence of residues modulo p , and so after about πp/ 2 steps we expect there to be
indicies i and j such that x i
x j (mod p ). We call this a collision .If x i
x j (mod N )
then we can split N as gcd( x i
x j ,N ).
Example 14.9.1 Let p
11. Then the rho iteration modulo p is
2 , 5 , 4 , 6 , 4 , 6 , 4 ,...
Let p
19. Then the sequence is
2 , 5 , 7 , 12 , 12 , 12 , ...
As with the discrete logarithm algorithms, the walk is deterministic in the sense that a
collision leads to a cycle. Let l t be the length of the tail and l h be the length of the cycle.
Then the first collision is
x l t + l h
x l t (mod p ) .
We can use Floyd's cycle finding algorithm to detect the collision. The details are given in
Algorithm 20 . Note that it is not efficient to compute the gcd in line 5 of the algorithm for
each iteration; Pollard [ 436 ] gave a solution to reduce the number of gcd computations and
Brent [ 93 ] gave another.
Algorithm 20 The rho algorithm for factoring
OUTPUT: A factor of N
1: x 1 =
2, x 2 =
f ( x 1 )(mod N )
2: repeat
x 1 =
f ( x 1 )(mod N )
x 2 =
f ( f ( x 2 )) (mod N )
gcd( x 2
x 1 ,N )
6: until 1 <d<N
7: return d
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