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14.5.5 Using inversion
Galbraith, Ruprai and Pollard [ 209 ] showed that one can improve the kangaroo method by
exploiting inversion in the group. 10 Suppose one is given g,h,w and told that h
g a with
a<w . We also require that the order r of g is odd (this will always be the case, due
to the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm). Suppose, for simplicity, that w is even. Replacing h by
hg w/ 2 we have h
g a with
a<w/ 2. One can perform a version of the kangaroo
method with three kangaroos: one tame kangaroo starting from g u for an appropriate value
of u and two wild kangaroos starting from h and h 1 respectively.
The algorithm uses the usual kangaroo walk (with mean step size to be determined
later) to generate three sequences ( x i ,a i ) , ( y i ,b i ) , ( z i ,c i ) such that x i =
w/ 2
g a i , y i =
hg b i and
z i =
h 1 g c i . The crucial observation is that a collision between any two sequences leads
to a solution to the DLP. For example, if x i =
g a i b j
y j then h
and if y i =
z j then
g ( c j b i )2 1 (mod r ) . The algorithm uses
distinguished points to detect a collison. We call this the three-kangaroo algorithm .
h 1 g c j and so, since g has odd order r , h
hg b i
Exercise 14.5.11 Write down pseudocode for the three-kangaroo algorithm using distin-
guished points.
We now give a brief heuristic analysis of the three-kangaroo algorithm. Without loss
of generality, we assume 0
w/ 2 (taking negative a simply swaps h and h 1 ,so
does not affect the running time). The distance between the starting points of the tame
and wild kangaroos is 2 a . The distance between the starting points of the tame and right-
most wild kangaroo is
. The extreme cases (in the sense that the closest pair of
kangaroos are as far apart as possible) are when 2 a
a or when a
w/ 2. Making
all these cases equal leads to the equation 2 a
w/ 2
u . Calling this distance
l it follows that w/ 2
3 w/ 10. The average distance between the closest
pair of kangaroos is then w/ 10 and the closest pair of kangaroos can be thought of as
performing the standard kangaroo method in an interval of length 2 w/ 5. Following the
analysis of the stan dard k angaroo me thod it is natural to take the mean step size to be
5 l/ 2 and u
2 2 w/ 5
0 . 316 w . The average-case expected n umbe r of group op er-
ations (only considering the closest pair of kangaroos) would be
= w/ 10
2 2 2 w/ 5
1 . 897 w .A
more careful analysis takes into account the possibility of collisions between any pair of kan-
garoos. We re fe r to [ 209 ] for the details and merely remark that the correct mean step size is
0 . 37 5 w and the average-case expected number of group operations is approximately
1 . 818 w .
Exercise 14.5.12 The distance between
a and a is even, so a natural trick is to use jumps
of even length. Since we do not know whether a is even or odd, if this is done we do not
know whether to start the tame kangaroo at g u or g u + 1 . However, one can consider a variant
of the algorithm with two wild kangaroos (one starting from h and one from h 1 ) and two
tame kangaroos (one starting from g u and one from g u + 1 ) and with jumps of even length.
This research actually grew out of writing this chapter. Sometimes it pays to work slowly.
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