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point visited by another processor then the walks from that point agree and both walks end
at the same distinguished point. When the server receives two triples ( x,a,b ) and ( x,a ,b )
for the same group element x but with b
g a h b and can
solve the DLP as in the serial (i.e., non-parallel) case. The server therefore computes the
discrete logarithm problem and sends a terminate signal to all processors. Pseudocode for
both server and clients are given by Algorithms 16 and 17 . By design, if the algorithm halts
then the answer is correct.
b (mod r ) then it has g a h b
Algorithm 16 The distributed rho algorithm: server side
INPUT: g,h
OUTPUT: c such that h
g c
1: Randomly choose a walk function walk ( x,a,b )
2: Initialise an easily searched structure L (sorted list, binary tree etc) to be empty
3: Start all processors with the function walk
4: while DLP not solved do
Receive triples ( x,a,b ) from clients and insert into L
if first coordinate of new triple ( x,a,b ) matches existing triple ( x,a ,b ) then
if b
b (mod r ) then
Send terminate signal to all clients
a )( b
b ) 1
return ( a
(mod r )
10: end if
11: end if
12: end while
Algorithm 17 The distributed rho algorithm: client side
INPUT: g,h
G , function walk
1: while terminate signal not received do
Choose uniformly at random 0
g a h b
Set x
while x
( x,a,b )
walk ( x,a,b )
6: end while
7: Send ( x,a,b )toserver
8: end while
We now analyse the performance of this algorithm. To get a clean result we assume that
no client ever crashes, that communications between server and client are perfectly reliable,
that all clients have the same computational efficiency and are running continuously (in
other words, each processor computes the same number of group operations in any given
time period).
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