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is not necessarily optimal since #
S 3 . Kim and Cheon [ 304 ] generalised the
results of Section 13.6 to allow a more balanced time/memory tradeoff. This gives a small
improvement to the running time.
Cheon and Kim [ 125 ] give a further improvement to the attack, which is similar to
the use of equivalence classes in Pollard rho (see Section 14.4 ). They noted that the sets
S j in the Hoffstein-Silverman proposal have the property that for every a
S 1 #
S 2 =
S j there is
some a S j such that g a
π p ( g a ). In other words, π p permutes
S j and each element
S j lies in an orbit of size n under this permutation. Cheon and Kim define a unique
representative of each orbit of π p in
S j and show how to speed up the BSGS algorithm in
this case by a factor of n .
Exercise 13.7.1
Give the details of the Cheon-Kim algorithm. How many group opera-
tions does the algorithm perform when n
163, and three sets with w
7 are used?
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