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Proof The main loop is repeated B times and contains an exponentiation modulo N to a
power i<B . The cost of the exponentiation is O (log( B ) M (log( N ))) bit operations.
The algorithm is therefore exponential in B and so is only practical if B is relatively small.
If B
O (log( N ) i ) then the algorithm is polynomial-time. Unfortunately, the algorithm
only splits numbers of a special form (namely, those for which there is a factor p such that
1 is very smooth).
Exercise 12.3.6 Show that searching only over prime power values for i in Algorithm 10
lowers the complexity to O ( BM (log( N ))) bit operations.
It is usual to have a second stage or continuation to the Pollard p
1 method. Suppose
that Algorithm 10 terminates with gcd( b
1 ,N )
1. If there is a prime p
N such that
SQ where S is B -smooth and Q is prime then the order of b modulo p is Q .
One will therefore expect to split N by computing gcd( b Q (mod N )
1 ,N ). The second
stage is to find Q if it is not too big. One therefore chooses a bound B >B and wants to
compute gcd( b Q (mod N )
B .
We give two methods to do this: the standard continuation (Exercise 12.3.7 ) has the same
complexity as the first stage of the p
1 ,N ) for all primes B<Q
1 method, but the constants are much better; the FFT
continuation (Exercise 12.3.8 ) has better complexity and shows that if sufficient storage is
available then one can take B to be considerably bigger than B . Further improvements are
given in Sections 4.1 and 4.2 of Montgomery [ 392 ].
Exercise 12.3.7 (Standard continuation) Show that one can compute gcd( b Q (mod N )
B in O (( B
1 ,N ) for all primes B<Q
B ) M (log( N ))) bit operations.
= B
Exercise 12.3.8 (Pollard's FFT continuation) Let w
. We will exploit the
fact that Q
w (thisisverysim-
ilar to the baby-step-giant-step algorithm; see Section 13.3 ). Let P ( x )
u for some 0
u<w and some 1
= w 1
i = 0
b i )(mod N ), computed as in Section 2.16 . Now compute gcd( P ( g B + vw )(mod N ) ,N )
for v
( x
1 , 2 ,...,w . For the correct value v we have
g u )
P ( g B + vw )
( g B + vw
g i )
( g B + vw
( g B + vw
g i )
i = u
g u ( g B + vw u
( g B + vw
g i ) .
Since g B + vw u
1(mod p ) then gcd( P ( g B + vw )(mod N ) ,N ) is divisible by p .
Show that the time com pl exity of this continutation is O ( M ( w ) log( w ) M (log( N )), which
g Q
asymptotically is O ( B log( B ) 2 log(l og( B )) M (log( N ))) bit operations. Show that the
storage required is O ( w log( w ))
O ( B log( B )) bits.
Exercise 12.3.9 The p
1 factoring method uses the same idea as the p
1 method but in
the algebraic group
T 2 or the algebraic group quotient corresponding to Lucas sequences.
Write down the details of the p
1 factoring method using Lucas sequences.
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