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12.3 The p
1 factoring method
First we recall the notion of a smooth integer. These are discussed in more detail in
Section 15.1 .
= r i = 1 p e i
Definition 12.3.1 Let N
∈ N
(where we assume the p i are distinct primes and
e i
1) and let B
∈ N
. Then N is B -smooth if all p i
B and N is B -power smooth (or
strongly B -smooth )ifall p e i
B .
2 4
Example 12.3.2 528
11 is 14-smooth but is not 14-power smooth.
1 method was published by Pollard [ 435 ]. 1
The p
The idea is to suppose that N
has prime factors p and q where p
1is B -power smooth but q
1 is not B -power
smooth. Then if 1 <a<N is randomly chosen we have a B !
1(mod p ) and, with high
probability, a B !
1(mod q ). Hence, gcd( a B !
1 ,N ) splits N . Algorithm 10 gives the
Pollard p
1 algorithm.
Example 12.3.3 Let N
124639 and let B
8. Choose a
2. One can check that
gcd( a B !
(mod N )
1 ,N )
from which one deduces that N
This example worked because the prime p
2 4
113 satisfies p
8! and so
2 8!
1(mod p ) while the other prime satisfies q
29, which is not 8-smooth.
Of course, the “factor” returned from the gcd may be 1 or N . If the factor is not 1 or N
then we have split N as N
ab . We now test each factor for primality and attempt to split
any composite factors further.
Algorithm 10 Pollard p
1 algorithm
∈ N
OUTPUT: Factor of N
1: Choose a suitable value for B
2: Choose a random 1 <a<N
3: b
4: for i
2to B do
b i (mod N )
6: end for
7: return gcd( b
1 ,N )
Exercise 12.3.4 Factor N
10028219737 using the p
1 method.
Lemma 12.3.5 The complexity of Algorithm 10 is O ( B log( B ) M (log( N ))) bit operations.
According to [ 567 ], the first stage of the method was also known to D. N. Lehmer and D. H. Lehmer, though they never
published it.
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