Cryptography Reference
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Remark 11.3.17 In cryptographic protocols, one is often computing [ a ] P , where a is a
randomly chosen integer modulo r . Rather than choosing a random integer a and then
converting to a Frobenius expansion, one could choose a random Frobenius expansion of
given weight and length (this trick appears in Section 6 of [ 312 ] where it is attributed to H.
W. Lenstra Jr.).
2. Muller [ 397 ] gives an algorithm to
compute Frobenius expansions for elliptic curves over
We have analysed π -NAFs in the case q
F 2 e with e> 1 (but still small).
2 e 1 ,..., 2 e 1
The coefficients of the expansion lie in
.Smart[ 512 ] gives an algorithm
for odd q , with a similar coefficient set; see Exercise 11.3.18 . Lange [ 330 ] generalises to
hyperelliptic curves. In all cases, the output is not necessarily in non-adjacent form; to
obtain a π -NAF in these cases seems to require much larger digit sets. In any case, the
asymptotic density of π -NAFs with large digit set is not significantly smaller than 1 / 2 and
this can easily be bettered using window methods (see Exercise 11.3.19 ).
Exercise 11.3.18 Let q> 2. Show that Algorithm 8 can be generalised (not to compute a
π -NAF, but just a π -adic expansion) by taking digit set
q/ 2
1 , 0 , 1 ,...,
q/ 2
(or this set with
q/ 2
removed when q> 2 is even).
Exercise 11.3.19 Let E be an elliptic curve over a field
F q ,let π be the q -power Frobenius
map, and let P
E (
F q m ). Let S
( q
1) / 2 ,...,
1 , 0 , 1 ,..., ( q
1) / 2
if q is odd
and S
( q
2) / 2 ,...,
1 , 0 , 1 ,...,q/ 2
if q is even.
Suppose one has a Frobenius expansion
[ a j ] π j
a ( π )
j = 0
with a j
. Give a sliding window method to compute [ a ( π )] P using windows
of length w . Give an upper bound on the cost of this algorithm (including precomputation)
ignoring the cost of evaluating π .
S .Let w
∈ N
Exercise 11.3.20 (Brumley and Jarvinen [ 105 ]) Let E be an elliptic curve over
F q , π be
the q -power Frobenius and P
E (
F q m ) have prime order r where r
# E (
F q m ). Given a
= i [ a i ] π i , show how to efficiently compute a
Frobenius expansion a ( π )
∈ Z
such that
a ( π )( P )
[ a ] P .
For a complete presentation of Frobenius expansions, and further references, we refer
to Section 15.1 of [ 16 ]. For multi-exponentiation using Frobenius expansions there is also
a π -adic joint sparse form. We refer to Section 15.1.1.e of [ 16 ] for details.
11.3.3 GLV method
This method is due to Gallant, Lambert and Vanstone [ 216 ] for elliptic curves and
Stam and Lenstra (see Section 4.4 of [ 521 ]) for tori. 7
The idea is to use an “efficiently
A patent on the method was filed by Gallant, Lambert and Vanstone in 1999.
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