Cryptography Reference
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authentic copy of the public key is not covered by this definition; the public key is an input
to the encryption function.
Definition 1.3.1 Let κ
be a security parameter (note that κ is not necessarily the
same as the “key length”; see Example 1.3.2 ). An encryption scheme is defined by the
following spaces (all depending on the security parameter κ ) and algorithms:
∈ N
M κ
the space of all possible messages;
PK κ
the space of all possible public keys;
SK κ
the space of all possible private keys;
C κ
the space of all possible ciphertexts;
a randomised algorithm that takes the security parameter κ , runs in
expected polynomial-time (i.e., O ( κ c ) bit operations for some constant
∈ N
) and outputs a public key pk
PK κ and a private key sk
SK κ ;
a randomised algorithm that takes as input m
M κ and pk , runs in
expected polynomial-time (i.e., O ( κ c ) bit operations for some constant
∈ N
) and outputs a ciphertext c
C κ ;
an algorithm (not usually randomised) that takes c
C κ and sk ,
runs in polynomial-time and outputs either m
M κ or the
invalid ciphertext symbol
It is required that
Decrypt(Encrypt( m , pk ) , sk )
if ( pk , sk ) is a matching key pair. Typically, we require that the fastest known attack on the
system requires at least 2 κ bit operations.
Example 1.3.2 We sketch how to write “textbook” RSA encryption in the format of
Definition 1.3.1 . The KeyGen algorithm takes input κ and outputs a modulus N that is
a product of two randomly chosen primes of a certain length, as well as an encryption
exponent e . Giving a precise recipe for the bit-length of the primes as a function of the
security parameter is non-trivial for RSA; we merely note here that if κ
128 (i.e., so that
there is no known attack on the system performing fewer than 2 128 bit operations) then it is
standard to use 1536-bit primes. As we will discuss in Chapter 12 , one can generate primes
in expected polynomial-time and hence KeyGen is a randomised algorithm with expected
polynomial-time complexity.
The message space M κ depends on the randomised padding scheme being used. The
ciphertext space C κ in this case is (
) , which does not agree with Definition 1.3.1 as
it does not depend only on κ . Instead, one usually takes C κ to be the set of
log 2 ( N )
The Encrypt and Decrypt algorithms are straightforward (though the details depend on
the padding scheme). The correctness condition is easily checked.
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