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Br oker [ 100 ] has given an algorithm to construct supersingular elliptic curves over
finite fields using the CM method. The method has expected polynomial-time, assuming a
generalisation of the Riemann hypothesis is true.
Property 4 of Theorem 9.11.2 implies that if E is a supersingular curve then π q =
[ p M ]
. In other words, π q ∈ Z
. In examples we have seen π 2
for some m,M
∈ N
q ]. A
natural question is how large the integer m can be.
Lemma 9.11.8 Let E be a supersingular elliptic curve over
F q and let P ( T ) be the
characteristic polynomial of Frobenius. Then every non-square factor of
q P ( T q ) divides
m ( T 2 ) in
[ x ] for somem
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6
, where m ( x ) is themth cyclotomic polynomial
(see Section 6.1 ).
Proof Waterhouse's theorem gives the possible values for the characte ri stic p oly nom ial
P ( T )
± 2 q
± q ,
2 q ,
T 2
q of Frobe nius . The possible values for t are 0,
± 3 q (when q is a power of 3).
By part 4 of Theorem 9.11.2 , every root α of P ( T ) is such that α/ q is a root of unity.
If P ( T )
(when q is a power of 2) or
( T
α )( T
β ) then
α/ q )( T
β/ q )
q P ( T q ) .
( T
P ( T q ) /q
So, write Q ( T )
∈ R
[ T ]. The first three values for t in the above list give
Q ( T ) equal to T 2
1) 2 respectively. The result
clearly holds in these cases (the condition about “non-square factors” is needed since
( T
1, T 2
1 and T 2
2 T
( T
1) divides 1 ( T 2 )
1) 2
( T
1)( T
1), but ( T
does not divide any cyclotomic
We now deal w ith the remaining two cases. Let t
2 ( m + 1) / 2
2 m . Then
where q
± 2 T
T 2
Q ( T )
1 and we have
2 T
2 T
( T 2
1)( T 2
T 4
4 ( T 2 ) .
± 3 T
3 ( m + 1) / 2
3 m then Q ( T )
T 2
Similarly, when t
and q
1 and
3 T
3 T
( T 2
1)( T 2
T 4
T 2
6 ( T 2 ) .
F q . Then there is an integer
Corollary 9.11.9 Let E be a supersingular elliptic curve over
such that π q ∈ Z
F q ) divides ( q m
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6
and the exponent of the group E (
1) .
Furthermore, the cases m
3 , 4 , 6 only occur when q is a square, a power of 2 , or a power
of 3 respectively.
Exercise 9.11.10 Prove Corollary 9.11.9 .
In general, the endomorphism ring of a supersingular elliptic curve is generated over
by the Frobenius map and some “complex multiplication” isogeny. However, as seen
in Example 9.10.12 , the Frobenius can lie in
, in which case two independent “complex
multiplications” are needed (though, as in Example 9.10.12 , one of them will be very
closely related to a Frobenius map on a related elliptic curve).
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