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9.7 The invariant differential
Let E over
be an elliptic curve. Recall the differential
ω E =
2 y
a 1 x
a 3
on the Weierstrass equation for E , which was studied in Example 8.5.32 . We showed that
the divisor of ω E is 0. Let Q
) and τ Q be the translation map. Then τ Q ( ω E )
E (
k ( E )
and so, by Theorem 8.5.21 , τ Q ( ω E )
∈ k
E for some f
( E ). Lemma 8.5.36 implies
τ Q (div( ω E ))
0. It follows that τ Q ( ω E )
∈ k .The
0 and so div( f )
E for some c
following result shows that c
1 and so ω E is fixed by translation maps. This explains
why ω E is called the invariant differential .
Theorem 9.7.1 Let E be an elliptic curve in Weierstra ss form and let ω E be the differential
in equation ( 9.10 ). Then τ Q ( ω E )
ω E for all Q
E (
) .
Proof See Proposition III.5.1 of [ 505 ].
An important fact is that the action of isogenies on differentials is linear.
Theorem 9.7.2 Let E,E be elliptic curves over
and ω E the invariant differential on E.
E are isogenies. Then
Suppose φ,ψ : E
ψ ) ( ω E )
φ ( ω E )
ψ ( ω E ) .
( φ
Proof See Theorem III.5.2 of [ 505 ].
A crucial application is to determine when certain isogenies are separable. In particular,
if E is an elliptic curve over
F p n then [ p ] is inseparable on E , while π p n
1 is separable
(where π p n is the p n -power Frobenius).
Corollary 9.7.3 Let E be an elliptic curve over
. Let m
∈ Z
. Then [ m ] is separable if
and only if m is coprime to the characteristic of
. Let
k = F q and π q be the q-power
Frobenius. Let m,n
∈ Z
. Then m
q is separable if and only if m is coprime to q.
Proof (Sketch) Theorem 9.7.2 implies [ m ] ( ω E )
E .So[ m ] maps k ( E )to
and only if the characteristic of
divides m . The first part then follows from Lemma 8.5.35 .
The second part follows by the same argument, using the fact that π q is inseparable and so
π q ( ω E )
0. For full details see Corollaries III.5.3 to III.5.5 of [ 505 ].
This result has the following important consequence.
Theorem 9.7.4 Let E and E be elliptic curves over a finite field
E is an
F q .Ifφ : E
# E (
isogeny over
F q then # E (
F q )
F q ) .
Proof Let π q be the q -power Frobenius map on E .For P
E (
F q )wehave π q ( P )
P if
and only if P
E (
F q ). Hence, E (
F q )
ker( π q
1). Since π q
1 is separable it follows
that # E (
F q )
deg( π q
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