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9.6 Isogenies
We now return to more general maps between elliptic curves. Recall from Theorem 9.2.1
that a morphism φ : E 1
= O E 2 is a group homo-
morphism. Hence, isogenies are group homomorphisms. Chapter 25 discusses isogenies
in further detail. In particular, Chapter 25 describes algorithms to compute isogenies
E 2 of elliptic curves such that φ (
O E 1 )
Definition 9.6.1 Let E 1 and E 2 be elliptic curves over
.An isogeny over
is a morphism
φ : E 1
E 2 over
such that φ (
O E 1 )
= O E 2 .Th e zero isogeny is the constant map
φ : E 1
E 2 given by φ ( P )
= O E 2 for all P
E 1 (
). If φ ( x,y )
( φ 1 ( x,y ) 2 ( x,y )) is
an isogeny then define
( X,Y ) denotes,
as al ways, the inverse for the group law. The kernel of an isogeny is ker( φ )
φ by (
φ )( x,y )
( φ 1 ( x,y ) 2 ( x,y )). where
E 1 (
.The degree of a non-zero isogeny is the degree of the morphism.
The degree of the zero isogeny is zero. If there is an isogeny (respectively, isogeny of
degree d ) between two elliptic curves E 1 and E 2 then we say that E 1 and E 2 are isogenous
(respectively, d -isogenous ). A non-zero isogeny is separable if it is separable as a morphism
(see Definition 8.1.6 ). Denote by Hom k ( E 1 ,E 2 ) the set of isogenies from E 1 to E 2 defined
): φ ( P )
= O E 2 }
. Denote by End k ( E 1 ) the set of isogenies from E 1 to E 1 defined over
; this is called
the endomorphism ring of the elliptic curve.
Exercise 9.6.2 Show that if φ : E 1
E 2 is an isogeny then so is
φ .
Theorem 9. 6.3 Let E 1 an d E 2 be e ll iptic curves over
.Ifφ : E 1
E 2 is a non-zero
isogeny over
then φ : E 1 (
E 2 (
) is surjective.
Proof This follows from Theorem 8.2.4 .
We now relate the degree to the number of poi n ts in the kernel. First, we remark the
standard group theoretical fact that, for all Q
), # φ 1 ( Q )
E 2 (
#ker( φ ) (this is just the
fact that all cosets have the same size).
Lemma 9.6.4 A non-zero separable isogeny φ : E 1
E 2 over
of degree d has
#ker( φ )
Proof It follows from Coro lla ry 8.2.10 that a separable degree d map φ has # φ 1 ( Q )
). Hence, by the above remark, # φ 1 ( Q )
for a generic point Q
E 2 (
d for all points Q
and # ker( φ )
d . (Also see Proposition 2.21 of [ 560 ] for an elementary proof.)
A morphism of curves φ : C 1
C 2 is called unramified if e φ ( P )
1 for all P
C 1 (
Let φ : E 1
E 2 be a separable isogeny over
and let P
E 1 (
). Since φ ( P )
φ ( P
R )
for all R
ker( φ ) it follows that a separable morphism of elliptic curves is unramified (this
also follows from the Hurwitz genus formula).
Exercise 9.6.5 Let E 1 and E 2 be elliptic curves over
and suppose φ : E 1
E 2 is an
isogeny over
. Show that ker( φ ) is defined over
(in the sense that P
ker( φ ) implies
σ ( P )
ker( φ ) for all σ
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