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9.3 Isomorphisms of elliptic curves
We have already defined isomorphisms of algebraic varieties. It is natural to ask when two
Weierstrass equations are isomorphic. Since one can compose any isomorphism with a
translation map it is sufficient to restrict attention to isomorphisms φ : E
E such that
φ (
O E )
= O E .
Formally, one defines a pointed curve to be a curve C over a field
together with a
( C,P 0 )isan
-rational point P 0 .An is o morphism of pointed curves φ :( C,P 0 )
C over
= P 0 . When one refers to an
isomorphism φ : C
of varieties such that φ ( P 0 )
elliptic curve one usually means the pointed curve ( E,
O E ).
O E ) and ( E,
Definition 9.3.1 Let ( E,
O E ) be elliptic c urves over
.An isomorphism
E is an isomorphism over
of elliptic curves φ : E
of algebraic varieties such that
= O E . If there is an isomorphism from E to E then we write E = E .
φ (
O E )
By Theorem 9.2.1 , an isomorphism of elliptic curves is a group homomorphism over
Exercise 9.3.2 Let E 1 and E 2 be elliptic curves over
. Show that if E 1 is isomorphic over
to E 2 then E 1 (
) is isomorphic as a group to E 2 (
). In particular, if
k = F q is a finite
field then # E 1 (
F q )
# E 2 (
F q ).
Note that the translation map τ Q is not considered to be an isomorphism of the pointed
curve ( E,
O E ) to itself, unless Q
= O E in which case τ Q is the identity map.
Exercise 9.3.3 Exercises 7.2.6 and 7.2.7 give simplified Weierstrass models for elliptic
curves when char(
3. Verify that there are isomorphisms, from a general Weierstrass
equation to these models that fix
O E .
Theorem 9.3.4 Let
be a field and E 1 , E 2 elliptic curves over
. Every isomorphism from
E 1 to E 2 defined over
restricts to an affine isomorphism of the form
( u 2 x
r,u 3 y
su 2 x
φ ( x,y )
t )
where u,r,s,t
∈ k
. The isomorphism is defined over
if and only if u,r,s,t
∈ k
Proof See Proposition III.3.1(b) of [ 505 ].
2 , 3 and let a 4 ,a 6 ∈ k
be such that 4 a 4 +
27 a 6 =
Definition 9.3.5 Suppose char(
For the short Weierstrass equation y 2 z
x 3
a 4 xz 2
a 6 z 3 , define the j -invariant
4 a 4
4 a 4 +
j ( E )
27 a 6
Suppose char(
2 and a 2 ,a 6 ∈ k
with a 6 =
0. For the short Weierstrass equation
y 2 z
x 3
a 2 x 2 z
a 6 z 3 define the j -invariant
j ( E )
1 /a 6
and for E : y 2 z
yz 2
x 3
a 4 xz 2
a 6 z 3 (we now allow a 6 =
0) define j ( E )
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