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groups and then prove that the map P
( P )
O E ) is a group homomorphism; whereas
we use this map to prove that E (
) is a group.
Theorem 7.9.9 Let E be an elliptic curve over a field
by pulling back the divisor class group operations via the bijection of Theorem 7.9.8 is the
chord-and-tangent rule.
. The group law induced on E (
Proof Let P 1 ,P 2
E (
). To add these points, we map them to divisor classes ( P 1 )
O E )
O E )inPic 0
and ( P 2 )
( E ). Their sum is ( P 1 )
( P 2 )
O E ), which is reduced to the
form ( S )
O E ) by applying the rules in the proof of Theorem 7.9.8 . In other words, we get
O E )
O E )
v ( x )if P 1 =
( P 1 )
( P 2 )
( S )
div( f ( x,y )) where f ( x,y )
ι ( P 2 )or
f ( x,y )
l ( x,y ) /v ( x ) in the general case, where l ( x,y ) and v ( x ) are the lines from
Definition 7.9.1 . Since these are precisely the same lines as in the description of the
chord-and-tangent rule it follows that the point S is the same point as produced by the
chord-and-tangent rules.
A succinct way to describe the elliptic curve addition law (since there is a single
point at infinity) is that three points sum to zero if they lie on a line. This is simply a
restatement of the fact that if P , Q and R line on the line l ( x,y,z )
0 then the divisor
( P )
( Q )
( R )
O E ) is a principal divisor.
Exercise 7.9.10 One can choose any
-rational point P 0
E (
) and define a group law on
E (
) such that P 0 is the identity element. The sum of points P and Q is defined as follows:
let l be the line through P and Q (taking the tangent if P
Q , which uniquely exists since
E is non-singular). Then l hits E at a third point (counting multiplicities) R . Draw a line v
between P 0 and R . This hits E at a third point (again counting with multiplicities) S . Then
Q is defined to be the point S . Show that this operation satisfies the axioms of a group.
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