Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 1 The human stick figure models
assumption that only one side of the body is visible during jumping process from a
lateral view.
Each stick is represented by S ¼ { p t , p b , a , b } where p t and p b are the stick end
points, a and b are the lengths of the major and minor axes, respectively. Figure 1
shows an illustration of the stick figure models.
3 The Proposed Approach
Image Segmentation and RAG Modeling
The mean shift segmentation method [ 10 ] is used to robustly cluster pixels into
meaningful blobs in each frame. Specifically, video frames are converted into Luv
color space, and the mean shift vector is defined as
P 1 x i gðð x x i Þ
m h;G ð x Þ¼
Þ x
P 1 gðð x x i Þ
for kernel G , where x is the kernel center, g is the negative derivative of the kernel
profile, and h is the bandwidth (see [ 10 ] for more details).
After mean shift segmentation, the image is partitioned into different blobs.
Each blob is represented by a feature vector f ¼ [ a , m L , m u , m v , m x , m y ], where a is
the blob size, m L , m u , m v are the modes of the blob in Luv color space, m x and m y are
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