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ensuring intellectual property arising from these interactions are fairly shared. In
particular it is important to develop partnership agreements that have transparent
indicators of progress, in the form of deliverables and milestones, which are not
used to hold hostage the partnering organisations but as an instrument to establish
dialogue, collaboratively identify problems with progress and to jointly identify
solutions to address these.
Developing metrics to measure success . We are unable to ascertain whether current
partnering activities are making a difference. While the benefits of partnering are
perceived, there is only a limited number of evaluations to demonstrate success
of partnering. Given that the R&D lifecycle in the biotechnology and pharmaceu-
tical industry often extends to 10-12 years before a product (the fruit of R&D)
is launched, appropriate success measures along the innovation cycle need to be
The study findings suggest an increase in industry-university partnering activ-
ities. The range and scope of these partnerships is evolving. Further operational
research is needed to identify “what works and why” to inform future policies and
better target scarce resources available for enhancing R&D.
Ali, A, AU Kalwani and D Kovenock (1993). Selecting product development projects:
pioneering versus incremental innovation strategies. Management Science , 39(3), 255-
Anderson, JC and JA Nanus (1991). Partnering as a focused market strategy. California
Management Review , 33(3), 95-114.
AUTM (2005). Annual survey of members. Available at URL:
Bayh, Dole (1980) The Bayh-Dole Act: P.L. 96-517, Patent and Trademark Act Amend-
ments, December 12, 1980. Available at URL: /
BIGT (2003). Bioscience 2015: Improving National Health, Increasing National
Wealth . Available at URL: DTI/Pub 6988/1k/11/03/NP. URN 03/1321 (available at
Bottazzi, G, G Dosia, et al. (2001). Innovation and corporate growth in the evolution of the
drug industry. International Journal of Industrial Organization , 19(7), 1161-1187.
Brown, JS (1991). Research that reinvents the corporation. Best of Harvard Business Review .
Brown, JS and P Duguid (2000). The Social Life of Information . Boston: Harvard Business
School Press.
Brown, SL and KM Eisenhardt (1995). Product development: past research, present findings,
and future directions. Academy of Management Review 20, 343-378.
Buckley, PJ and M Chapman (1998). The management of cooperative strategies in R&D
and innovation programmes. International Journal of the Economics of Business 5(3),
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